Gov John Rutledge
    (1739-1800) Brother of Edward Rutledge; father of John Rutledge, Jr..
    Born in Charleston, S.C. Delegate to Continental Congress from South Carolina, 1774;
    President of South Carolina, 1776-78; Governor of South Carolina, 1779; member, U.S.
    Constitutional Convention, 1787 Signer US Constitution; Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1789-91; justice of South
    Carolina state supreme court, 1790; Chief Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1795. Died July
    23, 1800. Interment at St. Michael's Churchyard, Charleston, S.C.

Gov Edward Rutledge
    (1749-1800) Brother of John Rutledge; son-in-law of Henry
    Middleton. Born in Christ Church Parish, S.C., November 23, 1749. Delegate to
    Continental Congress from South Carolina, 1774-76; Signer, Declaration of Independance ,
    1776; member of South Carolina state house of representatives, 1782; Governor of South
    Carolina, 1798-1800. Died January 23, 1800. Interment at St. Philip's Churchyard,
    Charleston, S.C.
The two gentlemen you see above are undoubtedly the most distinguished Rutledges recorded in modern history , The fact that their signatures appear on the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution bears testament to that .
The story of their European ancestry is somewhat vague , Several theories abound , I have seen many references to them as English lawyers ( somewhat misleading as it probably refers to their education at the Inns of court "middle temple" in London ) . Consensus amongst their direct ancestors suggests their Father, Dr. John Rutledge came from Ulster or specifically County Tyrone in the North of Ireland . The Ruttledge families of County Mayo article by Thomas Ormsby Ruttledge names a William Ruttledge who was obliged to flee to America and whose sons later became members of congress , However it is a known fact that Dr. John Rutledge was indeed the signers father .

In James Haw's book "John & Edward Rutledge of South Carolina" (The University of Georgia press ) He states " The direct forbears of South Carolina's distinguished Rutledges went to Ireland in the 1650's as part of the English settlement that followed Oliver Cromwell's conquest. They are said to have owned land in County Cavan , in Ballymagied near Baronlog , for at least the next several generations." The interesting point to note here is that although County Cavan is presently in the Republic of ( i.e. Southern ) Ireland , officially it is still known as South Ulster which ties in with the Tyrone theories. THIS HOWEVER HAS PROVED TO BE A RED HERRING
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