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1st September
Sorry there haven't been updates, additions for ages! I've been concentrating mainly on my
Heath Ledger site due to the fact there are loads of things about him at the moment (with A Knight's Tale out) and with Joe you can't get any information, pics etc about him apart from the occasional Dust review- which I have to say brings the film across as boring and awful but I'm going to see it before I take anyone elses word for it. Anyway thanks to Holly's expert photocopying there are 2 new pics of Joe in short trousers from the Day & Night magazine in gallery 12. Unfortunately Joe won't be attending the premiere of Dust in Venice so we'll have to see wether he turns up to anymore (UK, USA) bearing in mind that it might not actually be released with the reviews so far. In todays Guardian there's an article about Dust and a picture of Joe and David.