This is to show off my calligraphy, and to give some lessons when I get around to it.

I changed my mind. I'm going to put my calligraphy on another site. This page may never change again. Instead, go to Calligraphi (and please don't correct me on the spelling). This will be a business site, but free lessons will also be available.

First, my name.

These letters are from "Calligraphia Latina" by Johann Georg Schandner. This book, first published in 1755, is a must for anyone interested in calligraphy. The two-page calligraphic temple is fantastic. Best of all, the reproduction by Dover in 1958 is copyright free (with the exception of the original copyright by Emperor Francis, reproduced and translated, but no longer with any legal significance). The next two are also from this book.

The next is a letter to Senator Barbara Boxer, written the summer of 1998.
A simple style, but time-consuming when in this quantity. I never finished the letter; instead, I printed it on the computer. It was for a Government class. I sent copies to ten or so politicians. Only one ever wrote back, and I was impressed that he disagreed with me. Then again, the person who read it probably had no idea what I was saying.
I used lined paper behind the letter. My free handwriting tends to go uphill and smaller even more. The ink is India ink. The pen was a dip pen with a very fine nib.

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