I am a monster, stranger and more alien
Than the Harpy, the Chimera, or the Siren.
Neither on land, in the air or in the sea are there creatures
Whose limbs can have so many features;
No one piece of me with another conforms
Any more than if one is cool, the other, warm.
A band of hunters often follows behind me
Looking for the tracks left by my feet.
I inhabit the darkest realms of night,
And if I pass from the shadows into bright light
My soul quickly slips away with the coming of the day
And my tired limbs fall away,
And I lose my being with my life and with my name.
~ Galileo Galilei
To what was he referring?

The answer:

A Riddle

This is an example of self-referencing.

These riddles, I wrote myself.

The rest of the riddles were written by the people referenced. If you have a good one which you wish to have posted here, e-mail me at limmortal@yahoo.com.

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