Seki's Cats Only Page


This page is strictly by and for cats. If you are a human or a (yuck!) DOG, please do not read any further!

[Photo of Seki]

Welcome fellow cats! My name is Seki, and I am a gorgeous Siamese. I own the human, Karen, that set up this site, and I demanded a page of my own to deal with issues of importance to the most important creatures in the galaxy - US!

I haven't been able to update my page in a while, as a certain human has been using my computer. Today, though, I kicked her off so I could do important stuff!

Now I don't know about you other cats, but I often have to put up with my human reading a book when there is a perfectly good cat here for her to pet. Well, I have discovered that humans aren't the only ones who can write. Here for your enjoyment is some original cat poetry. I suggest you read it while your human is trying to get your attention!

The End of the Raven

-by Edgar Allen Poe's Cat On a night quite unenchanting, When the rain was downward slanting, I awakened to the ranting of the man I catch mice for. Tipsy and a bit unshaven, In a tone I found quite craven, Poe was talking to a Raven perched above the chamber door. "Raven's very tasty," thought I, as I tiptoed o'er the floor, "There is nothing I like more" Soft upon the rug I treaded, calm and careful as I headed Towards his roost atop that dreaded bust of Pallas I deplore. While the bard and birdie chattered, I made sure that nothing clattered, Creaked, or snapped, or fell, or shattered, as I crossed the corridor; For his house is crammed with trinkets, curios and wierd decor - Bric-a-brac and junk galore. Still the Raven never fluttered, Standing stock-still as he uttered, In a voice that shrieked and sputtered his two cents' worth - "Nevermore." While this dirge the birdbrain kept up, Oh, so silently I crept up, Then I crouched and quickly lept up, pouncing on the feathered bore. Soon he was a heap of plumage, and a little blood and gore - Only this and not much more. "Oooo!" my pickled poet cried out, "Pussycat, it's time I dried out! Never sat I in my hideout talking to a bird before; How I've wallowed in self-pity, While my gallant, valiant kitty Put and end to that damned ditty" - then I heard him start to snore. Back atop the door I clambered, eyed that statue I abhor, Jumped - and smashed it on the floor.

[Image: Catlovers Award. Link to Kay's Cat Page] [Image: Blinking Cat. Link to Society of Meditative Cats]

Here are some cat-related sites that you might enjoy. You can even let your human look at these ones!

[Paw Icon] Cat Fanciers Homepage
[Paw Icon] Mr. Puddy
[Paw Icon] The Scratching Post
[Paw Icon] Cat Page
[Paw Icon] Felix Postcard Service
[Paw Icon] Cyber-Cat

If you have missed any of my previous words of wisdom, check out my archive file:

Seki's Archives

Everyone knows that kittens are cute, which is why I never wanted one. A cute, cuddly [Image:Kitten. Link to Lady Shel's Cyber-Kitty
Adoption Center kitten would take too much attention away from ME! Besides, they have sharp teeth and claws, and disturb my sleep. But I have now discovered the perfect solution - I have adopted a cyber-kitten. She is cute, but the humans don't want to pet her rather than me, and she doesn't disturb my naps. And if she does get to be a pest, I can turn her off! If you would like your own cyber-kitten, just click on Alisha and she will take you to the adoption centre.

A note from Seki's human: Sadly, I must report that Seki passed away, at 18 years of age, in April, 2007. I will leave his hard work here, for other cats to enjoy.

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