Press to hear Return To Innocence

First I would like to explain the music that accompanies this page. This song quickly became one of Jenni's favorites. She loved the music and before long, the girls were hauling a "boom-box" around to cross-country meets and playing this song before they ran. Jenni read very deeply into the words. In fact, in joking one day, she told me if she died before me she wanted this song played at her funeral. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would have to honor such a request. It was the most emotional and difficult part of Jenni's funeral when this recording was played. These are the words to the song by Enigma 2.

Return To Innocence

Love - Devotion
Feeling - Emotion

Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence.

If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny.

Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance
To return to innocence.

That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence.

Immediately following the accident, the caring community surrounding us generously gave from their hearts. Hopefully insurance will some day settle our ongoing surgeries for Lindsay. I could find no better way to thank everyone than to try to give something back to those who so willingly gave to us. We established a scholarship that is given out every year to a graduating senior. Following is the cover letter on the application for the scholarship.

The Jenni Kirwan "Spirit" Scholarship

Passing in a moment from time to Eternity, Jenni stepped from life unto Life and the spirit that so many loved so dearly now dances in the Light, one step beyond the limit of our sight. This direct quote from Jenni's memorial could not say it more beautifully. That life, that radiating smile and that beaming personality is greatly missed at Kaneland High School. We can think of no better way to remember and honor Jenni, than to offer a scholarship in her name.
You do not have to be a straight "A" student; a three sport athlete; or involved in every extracurricular activity offered. You need to be you, a unique individual with spirit, kindness, and a genuine love and concern for your fellow students. These are just a few of Jenni's qualities we can forever be proud of. Some of her lasting essence to forever cherish.
We sincerely offer this $1000.00 scholarship to one Kaneland senior, with plans, hopes and dreams for a bright future.

As everyone well knows, Jenni adored elephants. In the school commons area where students are allowed to eat outdoors, an adorable cement elephant has been placed in honor of Jenni. The brass plaque attached reads: They say elephants never forger...this one is remembering Jenni. 1981~1998

This was taken on graduation day-with Jenni present in spirit only.

This was also posted near graduation time at a local town store.

...Since putting up this page in my site, I received the following poem, which deserves no better spot than here...

I saw a rainbow the other day
And it reminded me of what I tried to say
When you were feeling empty inside
My curiosity I could not hide
Of how you're aching deep within
And maybe you might need a friend
Someone who can't relate
But would really love to compensate
Not fully for all things are not possible
But with the most I can to make sure
That you know she is deeply missed
Even by the ones that never kissed
The sweetest of her smiling face
Or the warmth of her embrace
Please know that 'tis this very day
I regret not saying what I had to say

~An Elephant that Hasn't Forgotten

Thank you to whom ever left this for me..I'd like to know who you are.

The student council got together immediately after the accident and designed and sold cling on decals in honor of Jenni. These are still available for a $3.00 donation that is put towards the scholarship.

These decals can be seen on cars, homes, and classroom door windows in school.

I also found it a fitting tribute to place a stone bench in the forest presserve Jenni and her team mates ran in. As the Athletic Director stated at the dedication ceremony: Sitting on this bench you can see the start of the race and the finish of the race. The girls had a chant they would recite before every race. It was...I love you, God loves you, and love makes the world go 'round. The girls now chant this standing over Jenni's bench.

The bench is perfectly situated under a beautiful, huge oak tree.

A close up of the brass plaque on the bench. Unfortunately you cannot clearly see the "I love you" chant that goes around the plaque. It reads...Dear CC friends~Remember~I love you~God loves you~and love makes the world go 'round

There were many other memorials and tributes for Jenni through out the rest of the school year. Everyone wore their green and purple ribbons. They still do. The boys football team wore a green circle patch on their jerseys the rest of the season that had Jenni's initials on them. They were carried by their angel to win a second, back to back, state championship. In the spring, that busy angel was at it again as the boys track team also went downstate to conquer a third in state place finish. All wearing a green "JLK" heart literally on their sleeves. The greatest accomplishment for me, however, was watching Lindsay gain back enough strength to also qualify to go downstate. Along with her team mates they competed in the 3200 M Relay. They did not win, but just making it there was good enough for us.

The patch worn by the football team..............hearts on the track team's sleeves.



On Angel's Wings/A Girl and Her Dog/Stairway To Heaven

An Awesome Dream/ National Children's Memorial Day/ Dear Santa From Heaven

Jenni Today/Jenni's Garden No Drugs*No Alcohol

Testimony and Tribute/To Jenni's Room/Jenni's Birthday

Poems To Jenni/ Sports/

Only A Mother's Love/Bereaved Parent's Wish List

Two Years/Three Years/Four Years/Five Years

Forever Young/A Letter From Jenni/Clouds/

Pennies From Heaven/ If I Knew

Awards/Web Rings and Acknowlegements

I Love You Jenni

Page created December 15th, 1999.