The music playing on this
page is What's New Pussycat?


Sylvester's Globe Sylvester is our oldest cat born on March 20th 1996 he is a neutered black and white Persian mix. We went looking for a kitten at our local shelter. Near one of the kitten cages was a very talkative cat he kept on rubbing his head all over the cage- that is all it took - my husband asked the shelter worker if she could take him out of the cage. We left with Sylvester that day ( he was a year and a half ). Sylvester is a very laid back cat ( I guess that is the Persian in him ). He's a good size cat weighing in at 15 pounds (pleasantly plump not fat ). He looks after things around here. he is very attached to my daughter Jenny, he'll wait for her in her bedroom window as soon as he hears the school bus he runs to the front door to greet her. A year ago Sylvester had F.U.S. and almost died. We told the vet no matter what it cost, SAVE HIM. He's a fighter and is very healthy and happy today. We love him dearly!

Nancy's Web Page Design

Globe by Tabby Cat Graphics

Animated Sylvester from Harry the Cat

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