The music playing on this
page is What's New Pussycat?


Gizmo is a neutered gray tiger cat born on June 9th 1999. I say he is a shelter cat but he actually came from a family in our neighborhood who doesn't believe in spaying/neutering. When my daughter told me about these poor kitties I knew I had to do something. We got Gizmo at six weeks old flea infested and loaded with ear mites. I just found out Gizmo's cat mom had another litter! We have tried to convince these people the importance of spay/neuter but they just don't get it. Gizmo is my computer lap cat, know matter where he is, when he knows I'm on the computer he comes running and jumps on my lap. He is a very loving cat, I'm glad he has a good life now ( indoors ).


Nancy's Web Page Design

Globe by Tabby Cat Graphics

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