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About the band:

iNfEcT, a one-man metal machine based out of Tampa, FL. Formed in the wake of 2002 by two high school friends, SiK Savage (Lead Guitar and vocals) and Sam Groves (drums). Soon thereafter they recruited ViD Wacki to take on the bass duties. The band underwent several lineup changes in the course of the next few months. SiK remained Lead guitar, while ViD moved to rhythm guitar and both decided to share singing duties. The search began to find a replacement drummer, and after trying out a few people, the search came up unsucessful. Over time, the band grew farther apart, and eventually died out. SiK, being the founder, resurrected iNfEcT as his solo project. Finding it somewhat simpler to work alone, he began to focus more on the music. SiK remained in his personal recording studio, until the first album "Reborn Death" was released late 2003. Getting a better feel for the sound he was striving for, SiK locked himself away in the studio until the next album "Left Behind" was released the first week of May, 2004. Growing as a musician, the pace and quality of the music picked up and was noticable in the August 2004 release of "Days Long Dead." A short break was taken, but SiK is back in his studio recording the highly anticipated fourth album "Blood Grounds," which will launch early 2005.

About SiK:

Birthdate: 8/30/88
Birthplace: Lafayette, Louisiana
Musical Experience: 5 years
Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano

Despite his young age, SiK has been given much praise for his talent. It is often inconceivable to people that he is the only one working on the music. He is, in fact, the one and only person who works on it. He writes, records, mixes, produces, and distributes everything that comes from his computer to your ears alone. In the downtime after finishing an album, SiK tends to work on the publicity and advertising aspect, spreading the iNfEcT name around. When not in school or busy, he will play guitar for hours upon hours, never satisfied with his playing - - always pushing himself to learn more and play better.

SiK, remarkably, taught himself how to play - - by ear; He can't read music yet (he is in the process of learning).
He hopes to one day be able to play like his favorite guitarist, Yngwie Malmsteen.