
- y0u need t0 bleed t0 kn0w that y0u're alive -

† s0MthiN' liKe---"d0nT mEss uP 0r Else...!!!!" wEll, iM h0neStly veRy hArd 4u T0 c0mpReheNd...hehehe! IM THE KIND THAT YOUR MOM AND DAD WERE AFRAID YOU'D TURN OUT TO BE LIKE... n0t tHat aVeRagE giRl 0n tHe bLoCk! gEt t0 kNoW mE m0re....*wink* Ma life hasn't turned 0ut the way I wanted it t0 be... It has been happy then painful. I've had the share 0f PAIN, was really really hurt. But I've learned a l0t and I'm s0 glad that I g0t thr0ugh it. LET THE PAST BURY ITS DEAD, and s0 I did and l0ok what it made me n0w. A st0ne c0ld and bitter pers0n. Hahaha nah much f0r l0ve (its a crap) i am but f0r life, Im living it, sav0ring every m0ment 0f it. Really, I'm kewl and i've f0rgiven the pe0ple wh0've hurt me. They still c0ntributed t0 the pers0n I am t0day and Im happy f0r that. But best 0f all, because 0f them, I'VE HAD THE TIMES 0F MY LIFE, and n0t evry0ne gets t0 experience that! F0r that, I thank y0u. Since there's s0me space left, well, I am a TRUE BLUE MALDITA, REALLY SARCASTIC, SENSITIVE, PERVERTED yet 0PENMINDED, REALISTIC, a PESSIMIST, a CYNIC =) 0h well, f0r the HATERS out tha' i'll just pray 0'er y0ur pathetic s0uls, you SHALL0W, PRETENTI0US HYP0CRITES! All i kn0w is that I AM HUMAN, and I made mistakes, im living life still th0ugh its HARSH!†


I used t0 be a g00d pers0n n0t many pe0ple believe this, 0r remember this.I'm bec0ming that pers0n again. Y0u wish y0u had amazing friends like mine. Y0u wish y0u had an amazing relati0nship like mine. My mum is 0ne 0f my best friends. I l0ve stupid c0nversations with my b0yfriend ab0ut anime, music and just ab0ut everything. I l0ve the traditi0nal sunday m0rning activity 0f searching f0r creepy p0rn at Steves. I hate feet. I can talk 0n the ph0ne f0r h0urs ab0ut n0thing, and d0 this 0ften.. My hair is my hair is my hair. I l0ove it. I'm g0nna change it, and I'll still l0ve it. I'm in l0ve with bikes... I wish my eyes were green. Bright green. I ? taking silly pictures, 0f silly pe0ple. I ? water fights, and clear night skys. I ? stars, the shape, and the 0nes in the sky. I ? tickle fights at 10 in the m0rning with Claire. Me and Claire are s0 nerdy we're c00l.Same f0r me and Clark. True friends are nerds r0und each 0ther. My best cuz Claire is the 0nly pers0n I'll tell anything. She's a fucking saint. I swear m0re than any "y0ung lady" sh0uld. I think inside j0kes are the best.

I wish I was pretty. I have a pr0blem with my b0dy image, just like every 0ther girl and w0men in the w0rld. Master 0f Puppets by Metallica relates t0 me. I r0ck 0ut in rand0m places I believe variety is the spice 0f life. I believe y0u can't appreciate real l0ve until y0u've been burned I believe the grass is n0 m0re greener 0n the 0ther side I drink Champagne s0 i feel rich. I have tw0 tatt00's, tw0 piercings in each ear, 0ne 0n the right stretched and a nipple piercing. Pretty Girls Make Graves - Chemical Chemical was written ab0ut me. I have m0re mental illnesses than I kn0w what t0 d0 with. I hate Americans, yet I l0ve their cl0thes,their bands and their cereal. I get stressed easily. Deal with it, don't ann0y me. I sh0uld be a better girlfriend I ? sh0es t00 much, I 0wn m0re pairs than i can wear, l0ts are still in the b0x. S0me days I wear st0nner cl0thes, for c0mf0rt, not because I'm st0nned. I want a g0thic vict0rian dec0rated h0use, with an edwardian bath. I will have a h0use with the l0ve 0f my life. I want kids. Take the time t0 bec0me friends with y0ur parents, y0u'll never kno0w when y0u'll need them next. I want t0 be the next Hunter S Th0mps0n I want a '60 cadlilac c0nvertible. In white, 0r a red ferrari..In cherry red. The great shark baby! I like t0 think i'm s0phisticated, I drink c0ffee with my cuzns and talk ab0ut everything and anything. I'm 0n a diet and d0ing well, thanks. I l0ve new clothes, bikes, dirt 0r drag bikes. I believe in all things spiritual. I'm in a relati0nship with the m0st w0nderful pers0n, named Val The0d0re Macias.

- me, as a real earth creature -

Kyrie Mae M. Cuenca, b0rn 0n July 14, 1985 in 0zamiz city Misamis 0ccidental. I am the eldest daughter 0f MR. Wilmer D. Cuenca and Mrs. Madeline M. Cuenca. I have 2 y0unger sisters Karen L0u and Karla Van. We are living n0w in Dip0l0g City specifically in Ram0s Village.

I finished my elementary in Andres B0nifaci0 C0llege with h0n0rs and salutaturian in my highsch0ol. I started my Nursing c0urse in ABC, unf0rtunately because 0f unav0idable pr0blems, i st0pped and then transferred t0 an0ther sch0ol and t0ok up caregiver c0urse. I finished the c0urse and passed the assessment in Zamb0anga city. Me pers0nally i d0n't kn0w what happend f0r i was br0ught by destiny int0 a radi0 stati0n in 0zamiz and w0rked there as a disc j0ckey. After 2m0nths i was hired in a call center in Dava0. A l0t 0f things has changed with my experience living al0ne and w0rking t0 be able t0 live. I did n0t survive because 0f the hard schedule which is fr0m 12 midnight t0 10 in the m0rning, I g0t sick and needed t0 g0 h0me. My parents and I had decided t0 finish my Nursing f0r it w0uld be better t0 have a degree and 0f c0urse t0 have a c0mplete educati0n. N0w im back in my c0urse and I am h0ping t0 have my success in this c0urse this time.