Lest you think this is some front for a bunch of frat guys who just don't want to shave, our Ethics Committee has come up with a set of Mustache Growing Rules.

  1. Saturday, September 2, 2006 is Clean Shaven Day. Participants will shave their faces clean of any and all facial hair. This includes, but is not limited to: mustaches, beards, goatees, muttonchops, chinstraps, soul patches, sideburns that extend below the top of the earlobe, and Van Dykes.
  2. For the duration of five weeks super sweet Mustaches will be grown for the world to behold. During that time, there will be weekly Mustache Checkpoint Days. All involved will shave their mugs on Checkpoint Days, save for the area above their upper lips. No fair growing a full beard or goatee for a month, and then shaving down to just the Mustache. The Mustache must only stretch from one corner of your mouth to the other corner.
  3. No Hitler Mustaches are allowed. Also, no John Waters Mustaches. We're aiming for State Trooper style 'staches here.
  4. The use of growth hormones and coloring agents is not condoned or sanctioned by Mustaches for Kids. We feel that these Mustache Growing Performance Enhancers violate the spirit of the contest.
  5. Once a week, on Thursday or before Saturday at 11:00pm, all contestants still in the game must upload a status photo to the website. Any contestant that does not have a photo uploaded by the deadline will be eliminated.
  6. Although being present at a designated Mustache Checkpoint for verification is not mandatory, you must contact your mustache liaison so that you can arrange a time for them to take your weekly picture and upload it to your profile before the deadline passes. The checkpoints are a great opportunity to encourage your Mustache brothers-in-arms during the growing season. Mustache Survivor representatives will be available at all Checkpoints to address any Mustache questions or concerns.
  7. Any contestant whose photo or physical appearance at checkpoints shows signs of cheating/shaving their 'stache during active competition will be eliminated from the competition. Mustache Survivor representatives reserve the right to disqualify or eliminate any contestant at their discretion.
  8. With such burgeoning Mustaches firmly in place, fundraising should be a walk in the park. The minimum Pledge Goal for each Grower should be $50.00 for the Boys and Girls Club of Orlando, but in no way should anyone be discouraged from participating in the contest because he doesn't think he can make the Pledge Goal - $5 or $500, it goes to a good cause. Please be aware of and obey all local laws when soliciting donations.
  9. While Mustache Survivor does not endorse trash-talking or making disparaging comments of any kind about another Grower's Mustache, there are a number of unsubstantiated medical theories that Mustache Abuse stimulates follicle growth.
  10. The remaining contestants will compete in a 'Stache Off Competition which will be held on Friday, September 29, where a panel of judges will select the Sweetest 'Stache, using a complicated and very scientific set of criteria. Mustaches will be judged solely on these standards; race, creed, nationality, sexual orientation, and popularity will not be taken into consideration. Booing will not be tolerated, especially by rival competitors; this is for charity, after all. Much like the Mustache Checkpoints, the final judging will take place ethier in front of the Student Union or in the orginizations location
  11. After all is said and done, the Saturday night following the final judging phase, there will be a "Mustachio Bashio" party to present the awards. The event will be held at a location TBA. Everyone is invited, but there is only one catch, you must have a mustache to enter. A portion of the proceeds from this final event will also go toward the Boys and Girls club of Orlando.

  12. While the Growing Season will end after four weeks, there is no deadline for fundraising. Checks should be made payable to Delta Upsilon with "Mustache Survivor" written in the Memo portion. All proceeds from the Mustache Survivor Contest and Fundraiser go to the Boys and Girls club of Orlando, which is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a fun and safe enviroment for children ages 6 - 18. You can hand off checks to a Mustache Survivor Representative at the Mustache Checkpoints, at the "Mustachio Bashio", or mail them to:

    Delta Upsilon
    12174 Diogenes Ct.
    Orlando, FL 32826

  13. Finally, while merchandising is encouraged, please do not violate any local, state, or national statutes. For example, sales tax regulations may apply. And all profits must be donated as well.
  14. Good luck and good growing.

    12 Sep 2006 ::  Mustachio Bashio
Come One! Come All! Just make sure you wear a mustache.

09 Sep 2006 ::  Checkpoints
All contestants need to be sure that they show up for the weekly checkpoint in front of the union at the 'Stache Survivor table.

02 Sep 2006 ::  Shave Off
Make sure to trim according to the rules set out in the rules category.


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