The Sentinel Source

Concoctions (Transed)

Concoctions is the art of combining knowledge of various plants and other ingredients with a bit of earth magic. The result is a series of concoctions with various purposes, ranging from healing, to levitation, to protection against certain types of damage.

Before you can make any concoctions, you must go out and harvest the ingredients or, in a few cases, collect or purchase them. HARVEST will allow you to harvest a particular plant. You will find that there are two types of plants. The first are wildflowers and herbs. These will die when you pick them, though there may be many in a room. The second type are perennials. They never die from being picked, but they can only have a certain amount harvested from them each year.

Initially, you will only be able to make elixirs. To make an elixir, you will first have to obtain an oaken pot. Then, you will collect the proper ingredients for what you are trying to concoct, and INPOT TO for each ingredient. You may concoct up to five batches of an elixir at once. Simply multiply the number of each ingredient by the number of batches you want.

Once you have all the ingredients in the oaken pot, put it on the ground and BOIL FOR . After a couple minutes, the mixture will stop boiling and you will either have a useless mess or an elixir. If it is a useless mess, you will want to EMPTY before putting anything else in it. Probing your pot will give you this information. If you were successful, you may FILL FROM .

There are three factors that determine whether or not you are successful at your concoction. First is the freshness of the ingredients. If you use them within an hour of harvesting them, you will have the best chance. After that, your chance is reduced, and after 3/4 of an Aetolian day, the ingredients, if they come from a plant, will disintegrate. Non-organic ingredients are useful forever and their effectiveness does not decrease with time. The second factor is your skill level, and the third is the particular concoction you are trying to make.

Ginseng --An herb that may purify the blood when eaten.
PricklyAsh--A swamp-dwelling tree with bark that restores sanity.
Echinacea--The purple-coneflower that grows in the forests.
Ginger--A low-lying forest plant.
Myrrh gum--A sticky bush that, when eaten, increases scholasticism.
Planting--Planting herbs and plants in new locations.
Bellwort--A wildflower that counters the effects of altruism.
StagsHorn--A piece of stag's horn.
Sac-- The venom sac of a rattlesnake.
Immunity-- A brew to help you shrug off deadly poisons.
Lastharvest-- The ability to see who last harvested in a room.
Naturalism-- Discover who exterminated a room last.
Bloodroot-- An underground root that can cure paralysis, among others.
Hawthorn-- The berry of the hill-dwelling hawthorn bush.
Kuzu-- The fast-growing forest vine.
Epidermal-- A salve to cure certain exterior afflictions.
Skullcap-- This downy plant has an interesting effect when smoked.
Slipper-- The lady's slipper plant grows is found in the Savannah.
Mana-- A brew to replenish your mental strength.
Goldenseal-- This Savannah-dwelling plant restores harmony when eaten.
Drying-- The ability to preserve your herbs.
Valerian-- A mountain-dwelling plant with smokeable properties.
Health-- A brew that will heal your wounds.
Bayberry-- A hill-dwelling tree with valuable bark.
Cohosh-- The curiously white plant that induces insomnia.
Lobelia-- A beautiful scarlet wildflower with therapeutic properties.
Pear-- The fruit of the prickly pear cactus.
Weed-- The mind-altering cactus weed.
Irid-- Iridescent moss growing underground.
Sileris-- A lush, berry-bearing plant which grows in valleys.
Kelp-- The grass of the sea. It has strengthening attributes.
Venom-- A brew to increase your resistance to poison damage.
Frost -- A mixture to increase your resistance to fire.
Caloric-- A salve to increase your resistance to the cold.
Feathers-- The feathers of various birds.
Levitation-- A mixture that allows you to hover.
Diamond-- Powdered diamond dust.
Mending-- A salve to repair your broken body.
Mass-- A salve that will greatly increase your weight.
Sidewinder-- The powdered skin of a sidewinder.
Speed-- An elixir to slow your perception of time.
Kola-- The nut of this jungle tree can keep you quite alert.
Elm-- Slippery elm from the red elm tree.
Gold-- Liquid gold.
Restoration-- A necessary salve for healing multilated body parts.