Current Obsessions


Happy New Year's Eve and Merry It's still techincally Christmas! I've been home for a while. Mom had a Xmas party at her house, so we had to do a lot of cleaning. Now I'm at my dad's house and for New Year's Eve were going to watch Big Fish on the silver screen. Here are some of the gifts I got for Xmas:

Oh, my final GPA is 3.64! Hurrah!


Happy Hanukah! Please visit The Unseen Library, I added Quotes by Theme. Enjoy!

Remus Lupin: He's very intelligent, and quite bookish, but he's
very caring and he defends those he cares
about.He's quite attractive too, only he's so
quiet that most girls didn't notice him! oh,
and stop stepping on my territory!

****NEW AND IMPROVED!!!*****Which Marauder (harry Potter) would you go out with? GIRLS
brought to you by Quizilla

My sister made me take this test. I'm not that big of a Harry Potter fan, but I like this picture. I'm thinking of making a quiz for Unseen Library, called "What type of witch are you?"


My sister now has a webpage. You can see it here. She calls herself "Joe the Taoist". I told her it's pronounced "DAO-ist", not "TAO-ist", and she got pissed.

I'm also making a weblog for Strange Lisa. Yes, I do have a lot of free time.


Retired (Finals Week)


See this. I would have the picture here, but then I found out the webmaster doesn't like that. He has a cool site and you should check the rest of it out. By the way, the link doesn't open to a new window. You have to right-click it.

I hope I didn't scare anyone with my previous message. I'm feeling fine, encept for this Napoleon hat they keep forcing me to wear.

Finals are next week. Wish me luck.


I want to die.


Happy Thanksgiving! Remember, if it weren't for the Indians, the Pilgrims would have died. Also, if it weren't for the Pilgrims, the Indians wouldn't have died.

New file added to The Keane Files.


Registered for Spring Classes today.



Happy Halloween!


Found an old story I wrote on the Portal of Evil forum on Friday, and I'm posting it here. It is Serial Experiment Lain as told by Dave Gonterman. I think I may have overdone the mistakes, but I still think it's pretty funny. Smoke that jive!


Mid-term Grade Point Average: 3.33
Probably shouldn't broadcast this, but I figure a good grade can't harm you.


Fall Break! Wohoo!

Check out Ishmael's Den. You can find it in the menu under "Who is Ishmael?" I've been doing a lot of work on it lately. Please help me by contributing things releated to Ishmael, deep ecology, and/or tribalism. Thank you.


Orgainized The Keane Files. I divided each "story" into different files. Check it out!


Got them small college town blues, aw man. Updated Art of the Week, finally.


I am now on the Red Meat Construction Site as Hysterical Woman. Yeah! Unfortunately, I'm not doing that well. Beginneer's Bad Luck, or maybe I just suck. But for the record, in "A Grim Brother's Joint", I didn't mean a pedophile joke. I felt you could either think that MMD had broke into Karen's grandma's house, eating/killed her, wore her clothes, and was going to eat/kill Karen, or that they were doing a play. Um, I'll make it clearer, when they allow me to post again. Also, could somebody give me advise on a better 3# for "A Gulf War between us"?

Por favor, vaye a mi sitio espanol. Please, visit my Spanish site.


I had a dream where I was going to the fairy city of Liefe. It pays sometimes to hit the snooze button.

I may expand the Spanish section.


I'm so bored and broke and lonely.


Sorry it's been so long. I went to McDaniel the twenty-first and I haven't got an ethernet card yet. Yes, I'm 18 and now a freshmen at McDaniel College. Hurrah, I think. No real updates.



How to make Roger and Hammerstein spin in their graves.


Scanner at mom's house but no internet connection. Internet connection at dad's but no scanner. It will be awhile till I can get some photos up.

Updates at Unseen Library and The Keane Files. Check it out!


A day late I'm back home in the USA. I have lots of photos, three new Discworld books, and a cold, among other things. Will Update when I recover.


I'm taking a night plane to Scotland and I'll be gone till the sixteenth. That should be enough time for the US to get a legitimate elected government. But seriously, wish me luck! I'll be going with my mom and her boyfriend. We are going all the way up to the Shetlands! I'm so damn exicited!


Today I graduate high school.


It has been a busy week for me. On Wednesday, I went on my Senior Trip to Six Flags. I went on a lot of coasters like Superman. That ride just has the longest climb ever. Unfortunately, all the roller coasters made my head hurt, which is strange. I usually have no problems on roller coasters with sickness. Oh well.

On Thursday I had a nude model in my drawing class. She was very, um, Rubenasic. It actually wasn't as weird as I thought it was going to be. I drew a very colorful pastel of her, which my teacher said made her look kind of like a mermaid. I'm not sure if I could do a male model though, but if I plan to be an art major...

On Friday my school went to Lake Needwood. It was a lovely day and I had a great time. I listened to Queen, played the drums, watched people fish, and went hiking. The kids were allowed to fish as long as they threw back the fish. I think some people kept catching the same fish. Good times.

Next week I graduate high school! Mazel tov!


Yesterday I went to McDaniel College's Guidance Day. I'm going there in in the fall (on my birthday too!). It was kind of boring. I thought the first-year seminar was going to be that day, but instead I had to take English and Math placement tests. We did get lunch, and I had some nice ackward conversations, including one with a 49 year-old student. Dad brought me a McDaniel reversible windbreaker for me to bring to Scotland this summmer. Oh, for the January term one of the trips I can take is to Italy, home of the Renaissance. This is going to be a kic-kass year.


I got this e-mail recently from Vice Pope Doug:

Subject: Marry Me!

Yes , I realize this is somewhat sudden -- and there's the teensy detail that you're quite literally young enough to be my daughter (I have a daughter who is seventeen ... and one who is nineteen) -- so, um, "scratch that" (so to speak). Marriage would be definitely out of the question. What say we go straight to honeymoon??

DISCLAIMER FOR ANY FEDERAL AUTHORITIES: I am simply jerkin -- um - I mean JOKING -- JOKING --- I am a friend from a H-U-M-O-R site. Nothing inappropriate intended here, other than in my own mind. Oh God, okay, what I mean officer is ....

Butt Seriously: Hi Eva, I'm Doug, and I was first tempted to propose marriage when I saw the Angelina Jolie interview, and related "art" -- Little known PFC Fun Fact: "yours truly" is responsible for the advent of "Ms. Jolie" as a DFC / PFC "supporting actress". I used to pair Thel up with whatever actress or singer was on my mental fantasy screen at the moment ... but then read a (real -- but yours is cooler!) interview with Angelina Jolie, circa 1998 or so, when she had recently married Billy Bob -- but went on to say that she was still a "practicing bisexual" -- so, who more perfect for Thel? -- and hence, she became a "regular thang".

So, back to this marriage thing: what really got me nuptially enamored here was/is: your focus on ISHMAEL.

You ROCK, Lady! And you're a true inspiration! I read Ishmael (in 2001), and was SO blown away (as I was by the related movie Instinct -- if you haven't seen it, stop reading right now -- and go rent it!). Quinn's books, and the movie, are helping people all over to "get it" -- and when I see anyone of any age promoting it ... well, let's just say, my heart very sincerely ... swells.

(Yes, even we sick and twisted Vice Popes can be socially conscious)

As you may know, depending on which edition of Ishmael you have, there's a testimonial that says the reviewer places all books he's read into two categories: the ones he read before Ishmael, and the ones after.

I say the same; as does my oldest daughter. As "conscious" as we already thought ourselves to be -- Ishmael (and Quinn's other books) helped us to realize how much Mother Culture had still gotten to US -- and so many others.

So, quite simply: you GO, Hysterical Woman -- you are an inspiration!

And again, the (faux) interview with AJ is "way cool", and your captions rock!

Keep up the good hysteria!



Who is Ishmael?

With Man Gone, Is There Hope For Gorilla?


Ms. Jolie

I got an fake interview with the star of "Tomb Raider". No, not the spiders.

50503: Happy Cinco de Mayo! I added Diego Rivera's Flower-Carrier to the Art of the Week. By the way, please pray for my mom. She's going into surgery today. Vaya con Dios!

50203: I fixed the frames up. "Here" opens up in this window and "There" opens up in a seperate window, the best of both worlds.

42703: I moved Current Obsessions to the front page, so more people would read it. I also added pretty frames to annoy and confuse you. I hope you enjoy this remodeling and sign my guestbook.

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