If Gonterman made a series to 'take away' Lain's fans:


Part 1: Foxfire

(We see a shot of David...I mean Bob, sitted in bear pj, like Lanes)
BOB: I love my fursuit. I wonder what my Novi (it's like a Navi, but is more pharkin' cool!!!) says.
(We see his Novi. It's is cool. it looking sorta like HaL)
(His sister enters. She looks like that b******tch Salior Moon, but with black hair and a cat tail)
Serene: What's is my hunky brother do to day!
Bob: What me to fix your cybernetic tail?
Serene: That would be yifffy kawai!
(He fixes her tail to be like a 8-wheeler computer, Redneck sytle.)
Serene: I don't think this makes sense in a series that shows the dangers of westrenization.
Bob: Huh??
Serene: Your soo hunky!
Bob: Oh.

Act 4: Foxfire
We are at David's...I mean, Bob's school. Alice (which looks like Arrrixu, but with pink hare and bunny ears) comes up to him.
'Ohio, Bob-sama! How is your today?'
'Its good. My Novi now has 100000000000 bytes.'
'It's so byten!'
Alices friends come up. They get heart eyes.
Sally: He's so kawaiii!
Alice: He's all mine! Isn't he hunky?
KIKI: What about teacher?
Alice; I dump him because he went all the way. Also, he tried to kill davy.
Sally: Weight, this is a girls school? Whats he doing here?
(Bod of the Wired enters)
BOB: I'm bob.
Bob: No, I'm bob.
He takes out a magic wand, but with no girly stuff. It is an all-meat rod! (does that sound to gay?)
BOB: Super Redneck Power!
(He transforms into a bear suit with robotic arms.
'In the name of the Wired, I shall punish you. And that means you!!!'

Part 2.....maybe never

Yes, I decided to gontuined my story. All mistakes are to be ignored. If you point them out, you are insulting AMERICAN PRIDE. Thank you.

Part 2: Foxfire
(Bob is in bear fursuit, like Scarletts ones.)
BOB: I am Mariner Redneck. In the name of the Wired I shall punish you!
WeirdBob: Didn't you already say that?
BOB: Don't insult anemirca! Redneck Train Attack!
(Bob of the wired is on train tracks, like in episode two of Lain, but it's more cooler.)
WiredBob: Oh *******.
(Train goes past. Bob crys. Bob is in class. An afro centric teacher yells)
TEACHER: This is how the whitey treats us! Smoke that jive!
BOB:......(Why did the Wired attack? Can my bearsuit help?)
TEACHER: As I be saying, Amekkkica has been persucuing us fo' to long! Smoke that jive!
BOB:...(Maybe my Native American friedn can help.)
Sally: You mean how America hasn't apolgized for bombing Nagasaki and Hiroshima?
Teahcer: What, ya craker! That was in Japan! I'm talking about slavery! Smoke that jive!
Alice: Okay. (Gonty's cute! I hope he won't have sex with me. I hate having sex al the time)
Raul: Sorry. (contuines)
BOB: THat's not true! Slaverys nice and pharking cool!
Teacher: And you, boy, I'm still anger at what your father did to mine! Smoke that jive!
BOB: Don't blame me for what happen 10000000 years ago!
Teacher: What? I was talking about yesterday! Smoke that jive!
(class ends, due to a crazy guy with a gun. And cat ears.)
Guy: I am Fred! I took an experimental drug which helped the Nights of the Southern Calculus to DOS attack me! Now I must kill Bob!
Alice; I wonder what's going on?
BOB: America is a great country. Unfortunatly, prejudice crazy people have ruined it for us open-minded crazy people. Just because I'm white, anglo-saxon protesting straight, non-gay guy, with a great ass and high IQ, you hate me. Why must I be judged for the sin of my father.
FRED: Now I want to kill you.
(He shots Bob Foxfire, but accidently shots himself)
Fred: I would rather be in Phillidephia!!!!!!!
(Alice runs to him)
Alice; Bob, are you all right?
Alice; Are you alright?
Alice; Bob?
BOB: I like hotdogs.
End transmittion.


Part 3: Foxfire
(Alice in Bob are at a police station. Alice is sobbing uncontrolablity)
Alice: (sobbing uncontrolably) I'm sorry Bob, I'm sorry! How can I make it up to you.
Bob: You can't! Your to stupid!
Alice; (laughs) Your so funny!
BOB: Is green your natural hair color, or do you have a cold!
Alice; You are such a wit! Want to (giggle)
Bob: No! Your only sixenn! You must be pure.
Alice; I love you...Bob.
(a police man comes over)
Policeman: Mister, whats your name?
Bob: Up yours, copper.
Policeman: What? I police! you cant talk to me!
Alice; This is America! It's a free country! Are you going to pull a Rodney King on us?
Police: That's it, your going down!
Bob: Light my candle, **********!!!
(Police man pulls out sword, but bob shots him with .95 silencer. People crowd around him. Police chief comes over.)
Chief: Thank you. We never liked him. Here some pocky. (gives pocky)
Bob: Thanks, copper. (smiles)

Act 27: Foxfire
(Bob is sitting at Novi, in his bear fursuit)
Bob: Novi...activate screen.
(screen pops-up)
BOB: Novi....keyboard.
(keyboard pops out)
NOVI: Type in name.
BOB: Bob Foxfire.
NOVI: Type in favorite color.
BOB: Blue, not pink.
NOVI: Pants size.
BOB: Just show my mail, dum***.
NOVI: You are such a witty redneck, Bobbi-sama-chan. You have one mesage, from Sally.
BOB: Open mail.
NOVI: (takes out letter opener and opens mail. He reads) 'H3110, B0bi! You are sooo cool and hunky! I've always had a crush on you. I hope to meet you soon. Also, I'm dead and God's here. Bye-bye!!! ;>
Serene: Intersting.
BOb: Yeah, she has a crush on me!
Serene: She died last week.
Bob: Who killed her? She was my only love...besides Alice.
Serene: She killed herself. It was in the news.
Bob: So we can't date?
End Transmission

Revolution Number Three!