The greenhouse effect

The publication of the second report about the state of knowledge on climatic changes (SAR, Second Assesment Report) of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change) is an important step in the study of greenhouse effect. The SAR collects the work of more than two thousand scientists all over the world and it holds the researches of hundreds more. Published in four volumes of 2000 pages, it’s rich in scientific data and researches; for the first time the experts all over the world confirm the influence of the man on climate. The IPCC declares that " The projections, included in this report, point out clearly that the next climatic changes will be dominated by the influence of man, unless the composition of the atmosphere becomes stable".

The problem

Human activity is going to increase the concentration of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which trap the solar heat warming the planet’s surface, the IPCC foresees that considering a moderate percentage of the development of human activity, the concentration of the greenhouse gases will increase so much to cause in the next century a rise in average temperature of about 1,5-4 °C (this means that in some places the temperature might drop temporarily and in other places it might raise of many degrees).As regards to the last century the temperature of the earthly surface had already raised of 0,3-0,6 °C .


And as the climate will change, the planet will react in different ways according to the different areas, it will either accelerate the heating process or mitigate it. The critical factors include the heating effect of the clouds, of the forests, of the icebergs and of the ocean currents, the interconnection among such factors is still difficult to foresee; this scientific gap explains the large margins of error concerning the present forecasts.



The greenhouse gases

Carbon dioxide, methane, protoxide of azote, chlorinefluorinecarbides, ozone. As to 200 years ago the present concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) of 358 parts per million is higher than 30% and it’s responsible for 70% of the greenhouse effect, it’s the combustion of petroleum, carbon, gas, firewood and deforestation which causes the discharge of CO2. A factor that has not been much studied is the incidence of CO2 coming from the cultivated grounds, in fact the grounds hold in large quantities organic

substance prevalently in the form of humus. It has a low index of mineralization (transformation of the organic substance by means of the oxygen and the enzymes in the primary components, water and mineral salts) equivalent to 1-3% annually, but it may be much higher if wrong agricultural usages are practised that are very diffuse (frequent and/or deep cultivations of the ground, leaving the soil exposed from the vegetable covering especially in summer, burning residual products of the cultivations, ecc.). So there is the real possibility that also the cultivated grounds help in the clear discharge of CO2 in a significant way. The scientists haven’t yet been able to describe an exact balance of the carbon, but they have valued the quantity at 5,5 thousand millions of tons of CO2 discharged by the combustion to which 1,6 thousand millions of tons more are added, caused by deforestation and by other uses of the ground at the Tropics. Then out of 7,1 millions tons annually, 3,3 remain in the atmosphere, 2 are absorbed by the oceans and 1,8 seems to be utilized by the not tropic forests of the northern hemisphere. But this process will not last a long time (see forests). The methane in the atmosphere has increased by 145% exercising a greenhouse effect equivalent to the third of that concerning CO2 that is 23%. The reasons of this rise are less known, among them there can be the Ruminantia-breedings (whose digestive systems yield methane), the rice-fields, the hoisting and the use of methane. Today the levels of methane rise at a half speed in comparison to 20 years ago, the reasons of this phenomenon aren’t clear. All the other greenhouse gases contribute for the remaining 7%, the protoxide of azote is emitted by some agricultural activities, the ozone in the low atmosphere is produced by the reactions among the polluting agents present in the atmosphere, the chlorinefluorinecarbides produced by industry, through the protocol of Montreal, signed in the 1987, ought to reduce this amount in the next years.

The intensification of greenhouse effect has been in progress for over a hundred years

Since 1860 in the greater part of the globe the temperature of the earthly surface has been raising of 0,3-0,6 °C, this happened especially from 1910 to 1940 and after 1970, besides most of the warmest years in the century have concentrated in the last 15 years. The new data obtained from the core boring of the polar ices, show that the rise of heating in the last 100 years has been the most rapid one for the past 10.000 years. The sea-level has risen of 10-25 cm.and the rise of temperature doesn’t concern only the surface but it’s reaching greater depths; the IPCC relates some recent studies which notice a rise of temperature in the last 20 years of 0,3 °C in the Indian Ocean as deep as 800 metres and similar ones in some areas of the Pacific Ocean. The temperature of the continents has raised especially at the temperate latitudes in the northern hemisphere, besides the night temperature has raised in wide areas particularly, for example in the north-east area of the United States in the last 30 years, it has been calculated that frosty season has been 11 days shorter owing to warmer nights. The hydrological cycle has changed too, in all the northern hemisphere since 1988 the snow level has been below the average considerably and the spring thawing of snows has began causing inundations in Canada and California. In many northern countries the lakes and the rivers freeze 1-3 weeks later and they thaw out earlier than average; most ices of the Alps have been reduced considerably. Studies conducted about sporting salmon fishing in the Sacramento river have pointed out a reduction of 23% of the population owing to the rise of the temperature. Since 1950 the atmosphere which overhangs the oceans has gradually become more overcast, at the Tropics the steam above the oceans has been increasing too and since 1973 storms have been more frequent, instead on a large area of the tropical and sub-tropical regions from Africa to Indonesia, the rains have diminished since the 60’s.Since 1989 El Nino (expansion of a superficial warm current of the Southern Pacific Ocean) has had extreme manifestations periodically, a sudden rise of storms has been registered in the northern area of the Atlantic Ocean and in some tropical areas there has been an exceptional drop of rains. The climate looks like it is being characterized more frequently by extreme meteorological manifestations.