






Szajha by Calliopiea.
Experimental - Voldemort defeats Harry Potter and takes the boy into his service (Slash, AU) - Chapter Five updated. Rated R. {notes: utterly fantastic, but might never be continued}

Unthinkable Thoughts by Aidan Lynch
When Harry and Draco first met in Madam Malkin's robe shop, neither of them could have anticipated how much loathing and mistrust would follow. But one day in their fifth year something happens which forces Harry and Draco to reconsider exactly what such abhorrence is founded on. Little by little, each of them is overwhelmed by Unthinkable Thoughts, and they begin the voyage that takes them from their safe harbours of deep suspicion well out into uncharted waters. And the more they discover, the more the realise that things can never be the same again! Rated R. {notes: this was the fic that hooked me on slash}

Snitch! by Al
SLASH. London, 2003, and two old enemies have become partners in crime. But the wizarding world is out to disrupt Harry's none too peaceful existence ... sex, guns, rock n' roll, drugs and bad language abound in a fast paced romantic thriller. Rated R. {notes: just read it}

Cherries by dyaniera
''Don't forget the cherries, Malfoy.'' Indeed, how could we? Rated ? {notes: yum}

Holy Wine by jingdono
Oh sweet mercy. Draco, Blaise, summer - wine and apples play over hungry lips. Rated R. {notes: again, yum}

Bliss by Filigree
Angst, Romance. Snape gives Harry a final exam in Potions. Warning: character death. Rated PG. {notes: I cried}

Civil War Arc by Sushi
It's a really dark, depressing, long Harry/Severus arc. Highest rating NC-17. {notes: You just have to read it.}

Too Wise to Woo Peaceably by JayKay AU, Humor, Romance. Hey, kids, let's put on a show! aka Hogwarts meets Shakespeare. Rated NC-17 {notes: I really enjoyed this one}

All content © Alexis unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved.