






So, you want to know exactly what madwoman this site belongs to?

Name: Alexis
Likes: Books, music, fanfiction, movies, eyeliner, writing, good conversation, and quotes.
Dislikes: Blatant stupidity, catsup, rap, romance novels, and lamb.
Hobbies: Writing, playing the piano, singing, reading, and spending ungodly amounts of time in bookstores.
Off line: Student, fount of useless knowledge, vocalist/pianist, unemployed.
Favourite movies: Pulp Fiction, From Dusk Till Dawn, The Crow, Apocalypse Now, Reservoir Dogs, the old James Bond movies {Goldfinger and the like}, and The Matrix movies.
Favourite TV shows: Babylon 5, Queer as Folk, and Six Feet Under.
Favourite Books: Dune, The Mists of Avalon, The Lord of The Rings Trilogy, Shogun, The Picture of Dorian Gray...
Music: [in no particular order] Queen, Pink Floyd, Garbage, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Fiona Apple, Blue Oyster Cult, Deep Purple, The Moody Blues, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Aerosmith...

Why the name Sapere?

Well, originally I was going to call my site Arcana Caelestia. But then I decided that that was far too cliche. So, I went in search of something better. Somewhere along the way, I saw a phrase in Latin about wisdom {sapere}, and liked it, so Sapere it is.

All content © Alexis unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved.