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Yes, you've heard her on the mailing lists and in other discussion areas.(grin)

Now she has a page for some of the things that are of interest to her, and links she has found that you might be interested in.

Keep up on the exploits of a meateater trying to become a vegetarian. Hello and welcome to the "softer" side of us! I thought you might like to know a little bit about the family that is involved with this page. We live in Vancouver, Washington. We have a 14 year old son, Thomas, who you will probably hear about quite a bit in here. Pat works for a computer factory, he makes the silicone that makes the computer chips, runs big machines. (that's tech Nita tech talk 101) I usually work in an office doing data entry, but since moving in with these guys, I have had trouble finding work in my field. I am starting a new job as an inspector at a local sewing factory on Monday. We enjoy camping and playing around on the puters at home. Pat also builds and repairs computers on the side. He has great rates for anyone local who may be in need of some puter work! Thomas is a "good" teen who is wanting to go live with his mother for the next school year. We don't want him to go, but he is old enough to decide where he would like to live and I'm sure he misses his mother and brother very much. (what will I do with my time) We don't have much "spare" time around here. Pat is always working or busy with the recipe program! This is his first attempt at programming and I am very proud of what he has done! We live a very quiet, simple lifestyle and are looking forward to getting together with other vegetarians for the monthly potluck! Well, you notice he said "heard" not "heard of" (smiles) I am learning so much about my Pat's lifestyle. I would of never thought that it would be so hard to deal with the public because of what you choose to eat! I have heard some real nasty stories in the vegetarian lists about how people perceive vegans/vegetarians. I'm also learning that this is a very compassionate group of wonderful people. I have also run across a couple that are so (searching for right words) self righteous about their choice to be vegan/vegetarian that if I did not have the positive role models, I probably would not even be trying to live this way. Those of you that know me, know that I try to let other people live the way that makes them happy. Judging people is not the way to win this war!!! For instance, if I were to not like someone because they don't do as I expect of them, I don't think I would like very many people. I do believe that most vegan/vegetarians are patient and understanding people. I have found that the compassion for animals cannot compare to anything I have ever encountered before. I think the hardest part for me is changing my eating habits. It's not that I don't love animals, I adore animals and cannot stand to see them hurt or abused. I just never thought much about what I have been eating all my life as having once been a living thing. I personally don't think that omnivores will ever be a thing of the past. I do however know that I could never raise an animal to later eat that animal. I know, seems a bit contradictory. I was in a heated debate with someone on a local list just recently. He thought that because I eat meat and Pat does not that Pat was with a "murderer" and could not understand how the two could be together, well how he could be with me. I tried to explain to him that he could be with me because I am good to him and that what I choose to do with my life is something that he respects. I also tried to explain to him that if Pat had his attitude, I would not EVEN consider changing my eating habits. My other list group is very supportive and gives me good ideas on how to make this transition easier. There is no putting me down when I have a piece of chicken. There is alot of praise when I have a good week and have made progress. We have a 14yr old son as well. We do not try to make him eat the way Pat does. He eats alot of veggies, but we also allow him to have his burgers and ribs. Forcing opinions on another persons sometimes will make them rebellious and then what have you accomplished? I also have heard stories about the comments that have been made to some in restaurants and by friends. I say: If these people were true friends, they would not make nasty comments about the food that you choose to eat! Well, I guess I should close this out for now. I hope that this diary of a vegetarian newbie (hopefully will not turn into diary of a madwoman) will give inspiration to those of us who are trying to change our lives for the better. I don't think I will ever be vegan, but with the support group I have, I think that vegetarian is very "doeable"! Special thanks to those of you in the local list group at and to all of you in Without your support and guidance, I could not of come as far as I have!

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