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Please read the following before emailing questions about mindwave. Thank you, Jonathan.

Q. Starvation is such a huge problem, what makes you think you can make a difference?
A. I don't think I can make a difference! All I have is a simple idea to use the net to motivate other people to make a difference! You see, I read in a recent report that 35,000 people die of starvation every day. So tomorrow I want that figure to be 34,981, and the day after that I want it to be 34,962. If we only take the problem one day at a time, and reduce the rate by 19 people a day, starvation will end some time in 2001. chart19d.gif 10k

Rather than being pessimistic, I believe the internet can help us solve the problem much sooner! Natural disasters will always occur- but starvation need NEVER occur! So for all those people reading this, get on the net and visit mindwave Making your first on-line donation is fun and tax deductible! Plus it's good value too! For example, the UNICEF organisation says $40 buys blankets to protect 10 small children from the cold, $150 buys a handpump and accessories to install a shallow well to benefit up to 250 people and $500 provides enough vitamins to prevent 1,500 children suffering permanent blindness!

Q. What happened in your life to make you start the mindwave project?
A. Two things really. The first was surviving a horrific accident in which my spine was shattered. The doctors said it was a miracle that I didn't lose the use of my legs, so I guess it's one way of saying 'Thank you!' The second was the death at birth of our first born Alicia. It was ten years ago last November she died, so I did a course on the internet and put the site together as a way of dealing with the loss. I've no reason to think my grief is any more real than someone whose child dies of starvation, so I suppose it's also for all the mums and dads suffering as well as the children...

Q. Looking at your site, you've obviously achieved some remarkable feats in your life, tell me about them.
A.Well I'm alive and married the most wonderful woman in the world and have three wonderful sons and nothing is more remarkable to me than that! As regards the Guinness record and the mindwave mindware, people will have to check the site out! I'm not a genius, far from it. All I want to do is share information with people that may help them lead a happier and more successful life. If they like what they discover on the site and use the mindware in their lives to enrich their relationships and make the world a better place, who am I to put a price on that? All I ask is that all visitors to mindwave tell everyone they can about the site and most importantly, make an on-line donation even if just $10 while they're on the net.

Q. What sort of company is Mindwave and how many people work there?
A. You're looking at the the entire staff! I work full time, so I've put the site together after hours on a shoe-string. I sold my Harley Davidson to finance the project and expect to make the final payment on my personal computer in 1999! My day job goes from 8am to 6pm and Mindwave usually goes from 10pm to 2 or 3am.

Q. So what do you do for a day job?
A. I work as a market researcher in Melbourne, Australia for a large privately owned company.

Q. It would seem possible for you to make a lot of money on the internet selling your software, why don't you?
A. Well, I don't know about that, but I haven't yet had to spend too much on the Mindwave project so I don't need to make a profit from the project at the moment. Also, I don't ever expect to sell the stuff I put on the net, not that I don't think it's valuable, many people happily spend hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars on personal development. Yet what I will need soon is help running the site. So far I've done everything myself from the typing to the design. So I'm hoping that individuals and businesses will soon help out in return for acknowledgment and a link from the site. When I've proven the site is making a difference and helped raise $1 million I plan to approach companies with the goal of allowing the mindwave site to become a test-bed for the latest in internet technology. At this time I would expect a capital injection and a salary should be possible. Perhaps than I can become the Mother Theresa of the internet and travel the world promoting the idea of using the net to save lives!!

Q. Have you worked out who those companies might be?
A. It could be anyone! All I know is that without some form of sponsorship I won't be able to make much difference because I'll still be a market researcher and be answering e-mail 35 hours a day! Ideally, whilst the company should be at the leading edge of internet technology, I believe it's just as important that the company believe in what I'm attempting to achieve!

Q. What about World Vision? Have they endorsed your project?
A. World Vision is behind me and have provided a letter of support (28k) to help give the project the necessary credibility. It helps having been a child sponsor since 1995 and I've met with them on several occasions to explain my project. Importantly, until World Vision has their own secure site for security of credit card donations, they can be made to UNICEF. lavaline.gif 2k

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