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Welcome to CoCoaNut's Home Page

A Place to Find Info on Amputees

Eyeball  the whole page you may find something interesting :)

This page is in its very early stages of development and as such doesn't contain too much information but it will grow steadily as I gain more and more experience with home page design. I hope to emphasise Amputee life in this page and also perhaps share some of my hobbies and pleasures. Check in often to see how I'm doing. 
 (click to enlarge) I am a diabetic suffering from acute vascular disease, osteomellitis, arthritis and hypertention. I have been an Amputee since February 2,1992 and until then I hadn't had any operations (except for tonsil removal in 1954) . Since then I've visited the operating room 29 times (and counting). In February of 1992 I had surgery to remove my left leg below the knee. (I got the right one baby .. as sung by Ray Charles). Just as I was beginning to learn to walk with my prosthesis I was again hospitalized in October of 1992 and had the middle finger of my right hand amputated. After a month of waiting for the finger to heal it was determined that the hand would have to be removed and it was amputated below the elbow in November of 1992. In September of 1994 problems began developing with my right foot and I was admitted for amputation of one toe. At the same time a bypass was done to try and provide more circulation to the extremity. Several operations later the right leg was also amputated below the knee. In February of 1996 my left hand became infected and I spent another couple of months and surgeries trying to save this limb. Finally after several attempts at saving the little finger ... it was amputated along with a good part of my left palm. Since then it has been an on going struggle to keep the remaining fingers and thumb on my left hand. So far so good. Although I've been hospitalized a few times for vigorous anti-biotic theraphy I've managed to salvage these remaining fingers and thumb. Wish me luck !

  (click to enlarge)
The Better Half of This Team (Karen and I have been married since May 3,1980) As shown in the background of this picture Karen is fond of sports. Behind her in the picture is one lawn bowling green at the Town of Mount Royal Country Club of which she's a member. Not only does she play lawn bowling but she's also an avid tennis player at the same club. During the winter months she trades her tennis raquet and bowls for a curling broom and plays several nights a week in both Evening Ladies and Mixed sections at the Town of Mount Royal Curling Club. Once curling has ended in late April , she dons her softball mitt and begins spring training for the summer of softball, during which she garnered the M.V.P. trophy last season. Oh yeah .. I almost forgot she even gets a chance to cook me the occaisional meal, after a full time job as a customer assistance representitive for a major insurance company here in downtown Montreal. Although Karen doesn't respond to much E-mail she has begun to surf the WWW and now has discovered a lot of interesting web sites. She's a web browser par excellance now and even shows me a few tricks every now and then. 


Links to other sites on the Web

Visit Nuage Ultralight Inc.

FlyBall Home Page

Local Dogs and links to Montreal Fly Ball

One of my favorite dogs


Canadian Curling Association

My home club -- The Town of Mount Royal Curling Club

Amputees, Curling News and Dogs ... along with some occaisional humour will grace this page as I progress.


These three Aussies and a Brittany belong to a neighbour Debbie and her friend Cheryl. Two of the Aussies have become my adopted nieces :) Allow me to introduce from left to right Debbie's Harlee & Jessi , and Cheryl's Tristan, & Starbug 


Here's my buddy "Jessi" with her full winter coat doing what she does best: Sitting there and being beautiful :)


And then again there's my favorite "Harlee" catching a rest before "Jessi" starts to drag her around the house again ! 

Anyone interested in the Aussie Rescue program in the Province of Quebec Canada please leave E-Mail to the address below and I'll get you in touch with the proper people.

Anyone wanting further details about my condition or having any questions 
may feel free to email me.

 © 1997

Can you believe only ... ... visitors seen my site since October 19, 1996

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Last edited : May 9,1999