
This is Lacey. She is Shadow's first baby. She is registered Half-Arabian, and was born in 1996. She is 15 hands tall, and is built very much like her mom.Her sire is mostly Polish Arab with some Egyptian. She traces back to Naboor. I show her in halter futurities, and have recently started her under saddle.

Here is a picture taken August of '98, at the Waukesha Expo Center in Wisconsin. This was her WAHA futurity.
This picture was taken Fall '97 when she was a yearling.
Here is what she looked like at 7 months old. This is my favorite picture of her.

Here are some pictures of Lacey in training! These pictures were taken in March of 2000.

Here we are at a show in a futurity halter class in October, 2001.

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