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I am Divine Intelligence, therefore, I know that I have the Divine Inheritance of perfect health, loving relationships, fulfilling life works, and, abundant prosperity; including fabulous financial prosperity. These things are all God given "Truth" for me.

My physical body recalls that every cell and every organ is designed to function in healthy harmony.

My relationships reflect my harmonious ideas about other people and become more enjoyable as I give others the freedom to be who they really are as divine beings in my life.

I do not limit my life works to the obvious "job" for which education and experience has prepared me. I experience and participate in these activities which are comfortable as well as new ideas of myself; always pushing past the limits of my experience.

Natural prosperity surrounds me in the beauty and abundance of Hawaii. As I look around me at all of this, in awe of this creation, I know that God always shows the way and provides financial prosperity to complement this. Therefore, I really do have it "ALL."

I maintain the attitude of gratitude which sustains all of these creations as I more from "good" to "better" and "best" by my greater and greater acceptance.

I thank God and so it is!

Bonnie Prebula

  Last Updated: March 1, 2007