
Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a Studio Teacher make?
Does this book cover "baby wrangling"?
Can't I just put my name out and start working?
Will I work only on movies?
Are there Studio Teachers in other states besides California?
How do I find work once I get certified?
Do I teach all ages? What about Math?
Do I have to write tests and curriculum?
Is Studio Teaching for Me?
I had another question....

How much does a Studio Teacher make?

Around $300 a day is average. Depending on the type of show, whether or not it's union, how much your agent takes, overtime, etc. it can vary, but $300 is the approximate base salary.

Does this book cover "baby wrangling"

My most common question by far. Despite what you may have heard, there really is no such thing as baby wrangling as a separate profession. Some nurses and Studio Teachers specialize in working with babies, calling themselves "baby wranglers" to distinguish themselves from other Studio Teachers, and end up credited that way in the film (studio teachers are credited in all kinds of ways in the movies - keep your eyes peeled at the next movie you see). A baby on a set in California requires its mother, a nurse, and a studio teacher, so there's not much room for anyone else. So if you've seen or heard of "baby wranglers", they are state certified Studio Teachers or set nurses.

Can't I just put my name out and start working?

No. All Studio Teachers must be certified through the State. You must have a valid Studio Teacher's Certificate, or "Green Card."

Will I work only on movies?

No. You can work on commercials, photo shoots, TV pilots, music videos, and voice-overs for cartoons and video games. I have even attended high school choir competitions at Disneyland - the list is endless. Remember, any time a child is employed in the entertainment industry in California, a Studio Teacher MUST be present.

Are there Studio Teachers in other states besides California?

Sometimes. California-certified Studio Teachers are required to be on a set anytime a California minor is employed by a California company on location. Sometimes the production company will look for a California-certified Studio Teacher who lives in the area, to save the cost of transporting and housing a teacher from California. However, many production companies will hire a teacher to travel with the minor anyway. There are some out of state teachers that make a good living working on productions from California that are shot in their home state.

British Columbia, Canada is the one exception. They have their own rules and their own teachers, called "Studio Tutors" (not covered in this version of the book).

How do I find work once I get certified?

Most non-union Studio Teachers (which you'll be when you start out) sign up with agencies. Agents send you out on work and take a commission, usually between 20% and 35%. Union Teachers are not permitted to retain representation, but rather get work through the union directly. More information about agencies and the union will be found in Chapter 3 of the book.

Do I teach all ages? What about Math?

Yes. You are expected to handle all schooling for children ages 2 to 18. Up to high school level, you are expected to be able to teach all subjects. However, once the student reaches high-level math or languages, it is not uncommon for even the most experienced teacher to hire outside tutors for over the course of a long-term job like a TV series or a movie. This is usually paid for out of the studio budget.

Do I have to write tests and curriculum?

No. For the most part, you'll be with kids for a few days, during which they'll be absent from their regular school. They are responsible for getting work for the days they're missing, and you're there to help them with it. Even Studio Teachers working full time with a child actor (say, on a sitcom), will work in tandem with the child's regular classroom teachers at the school where the child is officially enrolled. You are not required to create lesson plans or tests, but rather help the student with the work they've brought.

Is Studio Teaching for Me?

Maybe. Flexibility is key. There is nothing consistent or predictable about Studio Teaching. But if you want a change of pace and think it might be for you, order the book!

I had another question....

I purposefully made the book price very low and pain-free. My advice is, get the book and see if it's for you. I have not had one request for a refund!

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