November 17, 2005
    Nick feels old. He helped Gus with his Christmas list this evening, and found that Gus wants a CD by a band Nick has never heard of. And this isn't some new, fly by night band--they've been around for about 15 years.
October 16, 2005
    Nick, Gus, and Zoe went to Quarry Hill Park for a hike. They climbed on the brick climbing wall, climbed a steep path, and walked around the quarry at the top of the hill. Then they went down the steep other side of the hill to the cave where the bodies of inmates of the state hospital (which used to be near the park when it was still a quarry) who had died over the winter were kept until the ground thawed in the spring. It's spooky, but it's not very large (which takes away a bit of the spookiness). From there, they walked around to look into the gated storage cave for produce from the gardens of the state hospital. Amazingly, this cave was left open until the 1980s. Then Nick took the kids along Silver Creek for some more exploring. The trek ended on the bridge over the creek that is now closed to traffic, looking down at the water.
October 15, 2005
    It was a beautiful fall day, so Nick and Zoe went for a walk in Quarry Hill Park. The path wound through the trees and up and down hills, and after a while, Zoe was sure they were lost. She advocated yelling for help. She said, "We're going to die here. First you're going to die, and then I'm going to die." Fortunately, she was wrong; of course Nick knew right where they were.
    On the way back to the nature center, they watched a furry brown caterpillar cross the path. They later saw another one near the lake, and Zoe petted it. Inside the nature center, Zoe busied herself showing Nick around because, she said, she'd been there to a birthday party. Being around Zoe is always an education.
    On the way home, they drove past the prison, and Zoe evidently was unaware of its real function. "Did you ever go to that school, Dad?" she asked.
    "No, I never made it to that school," Nick replied.
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