Bethsaida Palace,
17, Misrah il-Knisja,

speaker speaker





Il-Banda: Kuncerti u Programmi (Page A)

Il-Festa tar-rahal (Page B)

Il-Bidu ta' l-Armar ghall-Festa tar-rahal (ara )
L-armar ta' l-Ghaqda: Il-Mahzen ta' l-Armar
L-armar ta' l-Ghaqda: L-istatwa ta' Sant'Andrija
L-armar ta' l-Ghaqda: Il-Kazin
L-armar ta' l-Ghaqda: Il-Plancier artistiku
L-armar ta' l-Ghaqda: L-istatwa ta' Malta Gwerriera
L-Armar ta' l-Ghaqda: Il-Pilandri u Trofej
L-armar ta' l-Ghaqda: It-Tower (Ara programm 1992)

Il-Gimgha l-Kbira (Page C)

Il-Milied (Page D)

Fis-Sajf (Page E)



Programme of Festivities in connection with the Feast of St. Andrew for 2004

Last year the feast was not held due to the tragic death of the Parish Priest of Luqa, the Rev. Fr. Joseph M. Camilleri, who died on the 9th June 2003.

FRIDAY 25th June 2004
This event will inaugurate this year's festivities in honour of Luqa's patron Saint - St. Andrew.

Sunday 27th June 2004
Social Activity and Rally for all members and benefactors of the Club.

Monday 28th June 2004
Luqa village welcomes the statue of St Andrew on the Church parvis, with fireworks, and band marches by the Union Band.

Tuesday 29th June 2004
Official Reception at the Club for all members and benefactors.

Wednesday 30th June 2004 - First day of the Tridium
Musical Programme in Church Square by St. Andrew's Band, following which, 2 new statues will be inaugurated in Church Square, Luqa. This will be followed by a band march through Luqa's main roads.

Friday 2nd July 2004 - Last day of the Tridium
Band March through Luqa's streets. The statue of Malta will be placed on a pedestall in a very colourful display of enthusiasm, at the end of the march. A 'surprise' will follow this activity.

Saturday 3rd July 2004 - Eve of the Feast of St. Andrew
The Saturday evening grand March by the Saint Andrew's Band, accompanying the statue of St. Andrew, at the end of which, it will be placed on its pedestall in front of the Club premises.

Fireworks Display organised by the St. Andrew's Band Club Fireworks Factory.

SUNDAY 4th July 2004 - St. Andrew's Feast Day
Band Marches by the guest band "Lily Band" of Imqabba, at 6.30 p.m.

The procession will start at 7.30 p.m.

After the procession at approximately 10.30 p.m., the Band will play band marches from Misrah iz-Zghazagh to the Club premises accompanying fireworks' enthusiasts, followed by merrymaking.

Monday 5th July 2004
Traditional xalata (outing) to the sea.
Afterwards, the supporters gather in front of the club for the final fling which sees the statue of St. Andrew being lowered from its pedestal in front of the Club.

Il-Banda fil-Festa Il-Banda fil-Gimgha 
l-Kbira Il-Banda fil-Milied

Hidma u Attivita'

Copyright ©2001 - St. Andrew's Band Club, Luqa Malta

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last modified: May 2004