about me
face reading
Name: Haslinah Rashid

Birthday: 23 October 1983

Zodiac: Libra / Scorpio

I basically took on the role of a gypsy and went around sourcing for information on the unknown and unexplainable. Abyss is an effort to cast pseudo science in a new light. I have always been mystified by numerology, astrology and face reading. Although you may not believe in such stuff, you can't help but realise that there is a little truth in it. Besides, what else can be better than using your birthdate and facial features to tell you more about your life path.

Other types of 'fortune telling' which aren't included here are palmistry and tarot card reading etc. Palmistry is actually telling your fortune from the palm of your hand. Your left palm signifies what is currently happening and your right palm sigifies what will happen. Tarot card reading differs from person to person and skills are needed to read the cards. In short, do not dabble if you are not sure of what to do.

Enjoy getting tangled in the web of the unexplained. Feel free to drop me a mail if you have any comments! Ciao... and God Bless`



Copyright @ 2003 Abyss created by Haslinah