
- I've just added an old article I found about Augie, from 1998 when Memes was still the hippest thang around.



- yes, I've finally updated some things which needed updating a long time ago, including the band section, news of gigsdiscography and a few minor adjustments to some lyrics which you probably won't notice. But I'm sure you'll rest easier knowing that I've changed them.



- added a new review of Sunset Studies, as well as adding photos to the band members page - if anyone has a photo of Rob Dawson that they would be willing to lend me, please email me.



- added new articles, including reviews of Heartbeat and Sails and Sunset Studies, and interviews with members of the band



- added lyrics for Near The Beach, fixed up lyrics for Owen's Lament, Tasman Awakens and Here Comes The Night

- the tab for Here Comes The Night has been added

- added all the lyrics for Sunset Studies songs - I hate being wrong, but failure appears to be an inevitable part of my life...



- tab for Rich Girl has been added

- fixed up some of the lyrics, including the spoken section of Future Seal, as well as adding Stop Breathing and 300 Nights to the lyrics section.



- New info on upcoming gigs

- tab for Here Comes The Night has been added (thanks to Tim B); There Is No Such Place will be coming soon, courtesy of Riley

- various lyrics of various songs have been fixed up or stuffed up to various extents

I've just realised that it's a bit over a year since this site started... what an anticlimatic way to have an anniversary.


<see archive>

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for comments, complaints, bribes and kickbacks (all offers will be considered), email me