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:: Coffee Talk ::

This is basically a collection of whatever I feel like writing. It'll probably be a lot of journal-type entries, but there might be other exciting things; like lists. I would also like to express that I apologize in advance to all of my friends for this page because you all drive me a little crazy and I might decide to talk about you here. I'm sorry for that, but remember that a true friend stabs you in the FRONT. Sign my guestbook if you have anything interesting to share.
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:: Sunday, March 10, 2002 ::

Crazy things happen when you visit the town you grew up in. Example: I left this place when I was in sixth grade, keeping contact with about 3-5 people. One of the people that I did NOT keep in touch with started talking to me online at the beginning of this year. He goes to school in the U.P. Then, he sent me a Christmas gift. It was very unexpected. I mean, I haven't seen him since I was 12 or something. Then, Sarah and I went to this place for dinner on Wednesday called Old Mill Run, which is way in the middle of nowhere. And who should I see there? Mr. U.P. How crazy.
:: Love from eLL 9:59 PM [+] ::
I have been out of town for a few days. My spring break lasted two full days. I left for St. Joseph last Tuesday night. It was slippery and I almost went off the road in Olivet. I had to stop at a rest area to put eye drops in my eyes. There was night construction in Battle Creek. I was dying of thirst and stopped in Coloma for a Coke, but wanted a Pepsi. (Coloma is where Fatsarah is from!) For all of the obsticles I faced, I actually made excellent time in this trip, it only took me 2 hours. Wednesday morning, I threw my back out doing absolutely nothing. I was walking from the bathroom to the bedroom. But, Sarah and I had big plans on Wednesday, so I sucked it up and took some drugs. Drugs didn't work, but I made the best of it. We visited our 4th grade teacher. We were supposed to talk to the class or something. So, we made a Powerpoint presentation. We dug out pictures of us as young kids and put them into the presentation. We also decided that 4th grade kids probably like candy, so we bought some for them. Then we ate the leftovers. It was fun. Kids are small.
:: Love from eLL 9:47 PM [+] ::

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