My Friends

Here you can meet all the people in my life that are important to me. If any of you are reading this, know that I care about all of you very much and I think of you often.


I met Patty for the first time in 1998, when I was a senior in high school. I was playing in the World's Largest Trivia Contest in Stevens Point with another friend of mine and ended up at Patty's parents house for the last hours of the contest. What I saw was the crazy, short little girl, deprived of sleep for nearly 50 hours, running around looking in books, typing madly on the computer, and shouting out orders to other people in the basement. What a nut!! I knew we were going to be great friends...Patty is truly one in a million. I had never found someone who likes ABBA as much as me until I met her. I have so many awesome memories of doing stuff with Patty. Sadly, she recently moved to Houston, TX, in October, 2000. We still chat almost everday and keep updated on each other's lives. I will always cherish the memories that I have of our summer camping trips....Thanks Patty!!
You can visit Patty's website by clicking HERE.


Jimmy and I have been friends since our freshman year our high school. Growing up in a small town in Central WI, there aren't many things to do. When I was with Jimmy, we always found something to do. He is a computer freak, just like me, and is majoring in Computer Science. Jimmy has a unique sense of style that only he can pull off. Together we have always enjoyed reading fantasy novels and playing Dungeons and Dragons. Our annual trip to Gen Con in Milwaukee is always great fun. Jimmy has a girlfriend named Chris that he has been dating for over 2 years!


Claudia has been my best friend since we first met when I was a freshman in high school. We got to know each other during track practices and forensics. Claudia and I had the best relationship of anyone I know for almost years, before we graduated from high school and went to different colleges. She is a pre-med major at Madison right now. She is going to make an excellent physician some day!! Claudia's sense of fashian is almost uncanny. She is also the fastest woman alive and has a state track championship to prove it!


Bill is this crazy guy that I met during Trivia in 1999. He went to school with Patty in Stevens Point and then went to Tulane University in New Orleans. Bill is one of the coolest funniest guys I've ever met. He also has a cute boyfriend named Kenta, and they live together in Houston with Patty. Just call them "Two guys and a girl with nothing to do."


I met Lara my freshman year of college. Being from Madison,WI, La has a natural requirement to drink massive amounts of alcohol from time to time. If deprived of drinking for an extended period of time, she can become quite irratable, but it's nothing a few shots of tequila can't handle. After becoming intoxicated, she becomes my singing partner of all Disney songs. Our rendition of "A Whole New World" is the best I've ever heard.


Jeremy is another boy from our Stevens Point gang. Of course, I met him through Patty, but Jeremy and I have our own "special" relationship as well :) Jeremy's taste in music and clothes is as close to my own as I've ever seen. However, his hatred of The Rocky Horror Picture show is an almost inexcusable character flaw. Just kidding Jeremy...We all know that deep down you really enjoy watching it.
You can visit Jeremy's website by clicking HERE.


Again, I met Shasta my freshman year of college. She was La's roomate at the time, so it only made sense that we all became friends together. I remember going to house parties every weekend night during that first year with Shasta. I also remember going to visit her in her hometown of Spring Green, WI, which is where the famous "House On The Rock" is. Shasta is another one of my roomates this year, but I don't really get to see her that much since she found a boyfriend.


Even though Aaron is my brother, he is also one of my best friends. Of course I have thousands of memories doing crazy stuff with him during our childhood years on the farm and after we moved to Stratford. Since we have grown up a little more though, we have gotten a lot closer. There really isn't anything we can't talk to each other about. I introduced Aaron to his current girlfriend, Gwyn, last year before Trivia, and they have been going out since. I wish them the best of luck. Aaron is a senior right now at SHS and will be graduating this May. Congratulations, Bro!!


What to say about Gwyn....She is one srtange mesd up woanm!! Did I mention that Gwyn can't type to save her life? Take some typing lessons, girl! Anyway, I've known Gwyn pretty much as long as I've known Patty, for those two are unseparable, even though they now live on different sides of the country. Gwyn has a natural love for the arts and is currently studying as a fashion design major at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point. She also likes the Rocky Horror Picture Show even more than me!
You can visit Gwyn's website by clicking HERE.


Kimmie, yet another girl born and raised in good 'ole Stevens Point. She has been fortunate, however, to escape the tundra of Wisconsin and attend school at USC!! Kimmie, who allegedly turns into a man after midnight, is the best looking female on earth. She has an inner beauty that is simply astounding. One of the things I look forward to the most each day is the possibility of getting an email from Kimmie. Whenever she shares one of her crazy life experiences, it always brings a smile to my face. Thanks Kimmie!!


Info on Mark.


Rick is perhaps the funniest guy I have ever met. My memories with him reach far and wide. Most people do not even believe that stories that I tell them about our adventures. Most people don't want to hear them....Yes, they are that bad. Rick is the type of person that just makes you laugh, no matter what. Sometimes we'll just be looking at each other and spontaneously burst into laughter. Rick and I are also the masters of Parliamentary Procedure. He is not studying at the University of Wisconsin - River Falls.


Info on Nat.

This page is copyrighted to Eric Hamus. January 5th, 2001.
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