
in my Web Page

Just been cleaning up here and there.

August the 17th - I've added the SQ ship page and I'm working on The Many Faces of Roger Wilco, as well as another page with different characters bios and such.

August the 19th - Added the Barnes and Noble thing. I'll be adding some more later.

August the 20th - Added the update.html and cleaned everything up from yesterday. Also put the links into one page instead of having them scattered.

August the 25th - I've put in the Sierra logo so you can go to the site of the company the made this great (heh, heh) series. I've also put in an Ads page so you don't have to see the things on the main page.

November the 1st - There's a big gap here because of the fact that (one) I just haven't been working on it that much and (two) that whenever I did get on to work on my page, I didn't do enough to actually have a reason to put anything in the updates page. But now I've done several things.
I've submitted my name into YAHOO! so that they might just allow me to have my page under their search engine.
I've added the walkthrough page and am now working on finishing up my first walkthrough, SQ4. I hope to get all the Space Quest walkthroughs done by the next month or two (would be sooner but I gotta do other things at the time).
I think that's the real major news. I'll try to update the whole site fairly regularly now.

November the 4th - Haven't been able to do much. I've added some cool banners from the different sites in my links page. But for the most part it's been pretty slow.
Later... - I've just added a counter to my page. Unfortunately, I don't know how much I'm going to need it with the rate of traffic that's been through my site as of lately. I'm not sure if Yahoo! has seen my site yet but when ever they get a chance, I hope they're at least a little impressed.

November the 16th - I've tried to clean everything up and add some new pictures, but in doing so I've just messed it up even more. Some things I've done:
-Added more bios to that section
-Added a whole lot more pictures
-Put in my site to Webcrawler (You'll be able to get this page through Webcrawler in about 1 week).
-I'm working on writing down the game steps in SQ4 so that I can put it in my walkthrough.
And for now that's it. Comeback soon!

November the 27th - Happy Thanksgiving!!! (One day late but that's alright.)
Okay, I haven't been the busiest person on this page, that's for sure. But I have managed to work on submitting the page to several different engines (ie. Alta Vista, Snap.com, Lycos, I could go on but won't). As well, I'm working on the format of my site. Instead of just the plain page with a few links, I'm trying a new setup with frames.
That means this page might be (gasp) organized!!! Don't get your hope up too high, though. From the look of it, it appears the frames don't want to work. Oh well.
I hope to see more traffic through this site soon, but to all those who have seen this site before (all 2 of you) I thank you for your support and have a great holiday!
Oh and another thing, I have learned how to put on music... uh, more or less. So if anyone knows how to do this, please give pointers and if you don't mind... some music.

January the 15th - Whoa! Haven't done much on this in a while. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas and New Year. The world didn't end. YAY!!! Of course people are just paranoid, so we have an excuse. Personally I think the whole Y2K meltdown or whatever is flat out... well, stupid.
Anyway, I've just put on another banner link for Frans's Page (which is a good page, check it out) and put on another ad, so if you want to earn some money, check out the Ads page.
There have been other things here and there but nothing major. I'm trying to put on an author page telling about me, but I don't have a scanner so I ca't put on pictures of myself. I have recently found out how to put on music to play as background, but I don't have any music from the SQ games, so I'll have to work on that.
That's it for now.

May the 21st - *NOTE* This really isn't an update, just a change.*NOTE END*
I'm having serious doubts of this page. I wanted to make it really good with lots of screen shots, walkthroughs, hints, links, and others SQ stuff.
Unfortunately... I have not worked on this website in about 4 months! I've lost motivation. The series is (well, let's face it) dead, and Sierra has their heads stuck so far up their... nevermind... that they can't see what they're are doing by killing the Space Quest series.
I had been working on a frames page, but it just wasn't working out. It looked like crap.
I don't know if I'll continue changing and updating this page, but if I get some inspiration (something like finding midis or MP3's to put on the page), I seriously doubt you'll be seeing much more out of this page than what's here at the moment.
The QUOTE OF THE MONTH has been changed to the QUOTE OF THE SERIES because I'm too lazy to bother changing it, plus the series is dead... and so is Roger.

June the 21st - I've not really been updating much, more like cleaning up. Recently I went through the site seeing things that needed to be taken out or changed. Dead links and bad pictures, that kinda stuff. I have been thinking about certain things to do. I'm not sure if I'm going to do much more today, though. Look at everything... it might not be pretty, but it's good hard work. Yeah... right.

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