Probability (Card)

Exercises for students
A card is drawn from an ordinary pack of 52 cards. Find the probability that the card is :
  1. an Ace
  2. a Heart
  3. an Ace or a Heart
  4. an Ace or a Spade
  5. an Ace or a King
  6. a Club or a Diamond
  7. the Seven of Diamonds
  8. the Queen of Hearts
  9. a Queen and a King
  10. a Spade and a Heart
  11. an Ace given that it is a Heart
  12. a Heart given that it is an Ace
  13. an Ace given that it is a King

    P ( A or B ) = P(A) + P(B) - P( A and B )
    P ( A given B ) = P( A and B ) / P(B)

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