Verse 1-10 Verse11-20 Verse 21-30
Verse 31-40 Verse 41-50 Verse 51-60
Verse61-70 Verse 71-80 Verse 81-90
Verse91-100 Verse101-110 Verse 111-124


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Vows that we make unconsciously are like the dreams and promises of childhood,like the saplings of our fantasies.They may grow into young trees or may die by the severity of the seasons.

The vows that we undertake consciously and by our free choice are the resolutions of adulthood.They should be adhered to in order to allow us to attain a higher level of moral and spiritual accomplishment.
Human development takes place through ceaseless struggle- both inner and outer. The effort to adhere to one's conscious vows is one of the most heroic of struggles. When the inner will to stick to the oaths becomes loosened or weak, the external behavior is likely to deviate from the goal set before the aspirant.

Let the oaths and vows be taken with a heart full of joy and not due to mere external compulsions.Even when we deviate from our oaths and vows,we should gladly return to them at the earliest opportune moment.For, the vows are the penances whose flowers provide as much fragrance to others as bringing the charm of inner peace to the one following them.


 The young ascetic stands before the Master and asks:
"What is the secret of karma-yoga,my Lord?"
The Master smiles and softly answers:
Reach out with compassion and restraint
Hold with love and responsibility
Embrace with wisdom and virtue,and
Depart with freedom and goodwill
And if anyone has a chance to look back,
let them be inspired by the memories of your sincerity,
courage,piety,affection,respect and
undying fragrance of ever-lasting love.


 Walking along the rocky road of life
We have met
and become life-long friends

  Let us be grateful for this wonderful opportunity

  May we unite our strengths and overcome our
May we hasten the emergence of a civil society free
from unneeded sufferings to anyone
Let us sip the joy from the cup of life to our hearts'
May our journeys together be a stepping stone for the
Highest Fulfillment of All Beings.

  At times,
we shall have to be vocal about atrocities,injustices and wrongs;
Other times,
we shall have to think deeply and creatively, in order to
discover benevolent options especially in times of turbulence and crisis
and take an appropriate stand.
there will also be situations
when we shall have to wait patiently and silently
while the nature ripens the individual and collective
ka'rmic reactions.

  Whatever may be our circumstances,
May our life journey always carry rays of hope,excitement,
joy and service to fellow beings.

  And at all times,
May we also not forget to pay our gratitude
to our kindest Home- this Universe and all the tiny
microvitum that keep it alive!


 Kuru- the beloved son of the Guru
You have left your mortal frame, but
Your love feels fresh as ever
We shall always miss you!

  You were a shining star of Malaysia
You illuminated many souls all over Asia
We shall always remember you!

  Your passion for Truth and Service
Have guided many of us
We shall always hold the flame
thet you lighted with lots of love!

  Kuru- the beloved son of the Guru

  You faced difficulties with indomitable courage
You encouraged us even during the most painful
moments of your life
You will never be forgotten!

  Your selfless works are engraved in the history of the New World
Your indelible imprints of dedication and Universal Love
Shall remain as an inspiration for all times to come.

  O' Kuruji-the beloved son of the Guruji
The lighthouse of Ipoh and guardian of our Ma'rga
We love You most dearly
We shall always miss you!
we shall always miss you!!


 On the auspicious dawn of humanity, You taught us to
light the first fire and save it for the next day.

  The ritual of lighting the fire brought ecstasy in our hearts
and we cherish that joy even to this day.

  Now, that fire continues to be enkindled, day after day,
in myriad forms- by the common folk and lovers of God alike !

  The ritual of lighting the fire echoes its depthless longing to
dispel the darkness of all kinds and awaken us into the
world of light and love.

You always remain a mystry for one and all- coming and
going in countless forms,appearing and disappearing,rising 
and falling, in an eternal game of hide and seek.


A house is a structure made of bricks,
mortar or other elements.
It can be beautiful in its design and function
but not every house can be called a home.
A house becomes a home
when its residents
fill it with their love and magnanimity.
Our human body
is one of the finest of houses
that provides immense possibilities
to express myriad emotions
ranging from passion to com-passion.
However, only the home that hosts and celebrates
the presence of Cosmic Spirit in us
can be called a temple.
Indeed, our body is the real temple.
May the bodies of all creatures be venerated
as temples of Universal Spirit
and be cared for
with utmost caution, concern and cordiality.


 There are many stars in the sky but only one pole-star.
There are many stones in the ground but only one"kohinoor" that brightens the crown.
There are many humans around but only a rare one shines in history for all times to come.
May we become the rare ones that exude the fragrance for all to enjoy and relish.
 30.03.2002 (Kaulalumpur, Malaysia)



For many a years, the gates of the Inner-Temple were kept closed so that the dust of the road may not mar the purity of the soul.
Now, the sacred inner mansions have been opened to the visitors and seekers.They peep in to have a glimpse of the Charming Spirit and to rejoice in its unparalleled beauty and blissful countenance.

  While standing at the door and escorting the seekers, I have learnt to patiently listen to the stories of their life and to partake in its pains and pleasures.

  O'my beloved Lord!

  Let the tears of pain be always fleeting for my bretheren and the smiles of joy become endless for one and all.

    19.04.2002 (Taipei, Taiwan)



 The intimate friends stand at the door of life and say goodbye day after day until the time comes to part for ever.Yet the voice can always be heard that says:

  "I love you always, my dear.
I love you anyway but I love you the most when you are your natural self-open and straight forward, free from the burden of disguising your complexes with veneers,make-ups and accessories.

  I love you always.
I love you anyway but I love you  most dearly when you desperately and irresistably long for Me with every cell of your body and all of your mind and heart.

  I love you always, and
I love you anyway but I love you the best when your love is unblemished-untouched by the fluctuations of the moods of the weather or seasons, pulsating perennially like the Eternal Cosmic Spirit that forever shines brightly just beneath the breaths of life."

  16.05.2002 (Bangkok, Thailand)



Love is the heartbeat that constantly knocks at the door of the Spirit.

Love is the pain of separation,
It is the warmth of a home.
Love is the insecurity of loosing that is perceived as one's own.
It is the rage of protest, a fear of rebuke and the joy of forgiveness.

Love is to reach out to give a hand when needed.
Love is to hold it together amidst all odds.
It is to let go and give without expectations.
Love is to pull the energy when it tries to slip away.

Love is to rise above the ups and downs of every day life.
Love is go deeper and deeper in order to fathom the Unfathomable.
Love is to open arms to embrace the Cosmic Beloved.
To love is to become and to BE One Self.
Love is the constant readiness to share something of oneself.
It is the the extra effort to walk a step further.
Love is to save for another time, for another day.
Love is a longing that aspires for Eternal Union.

Love is the heart-beat that never dies nor ever gets tired and eternally knocks at the door of the Spirit.

My doctor tells me that my blood type is tested as B-positive -

It does not surprise me -
Why be-negative -
None can come out of this life alive -
So it is better to BE-POSITIVE in the midst of all negativities -

Thankyou, doctor, I will always try to remember : BE-POSITIVE !


In Memory of friend Captain Ray Gatchalian

In this world of cimmerian darkness, all it takes is a Ray!
A ray of light
A ray of peace
A ray of courage
A ray of benevolence
A ray of hope
A ray of action

In this world of desolate darkness-all we need is to become such a Ray!!

(Ray died in a car accident in Chile. He was a dedicated man who was filming the street children of the world.)


Lotus is the symbol of purity, they say.
But Can it grow without the muddy waters?
Does not all purity spring forth out of muddy minds?
Do not ask me, my dear ones, Why I am soaked in mud?
Ask me, my loved ones,
what have I gained from playing with the muddy soils of this world.


"Mysticism is an unending
endeavor to link the finite
with the Infinite."

(Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji)

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