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Georgia Tech...Sucks Ass
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
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    Have you ever had a teacher that who showed up later than you.....every fuckin' day??  No??  Well Georgia Tech's got you covered.  GT has one such professor, and for our purposes, we'll call him Rich B. Rowner. If you're lucky enough to sign up for a class with this senile idiot, you'll never have to come to class until its half over because he won't be there either.  But it'd probably do you best if you didn't come at all, because you'd be listening to a lecture that makes a 9th grade Chem student look smart.  This dyslexic bastard comes to class not knowing his right from his left and forgets everything he says 5 minutes after he says it.  When is test day?  He'll tell you its next Wednesday, and then the Friday before, he'll tell you it is going to be on Monday.  He'll put stuff on the test from chapters you haven't covered yet, but he'll argue his ass off with you that he's gone over it before.

    Perhaps the funniest thing about Rich B. Rowner is the fact that he'll make you turn in homework all year, and then with 2 weeks left to go in the semester, he'll just disappear, with all your grades and everything.  You'll get a new teacher with no record of what your grades are, so he decides to make the final worth 70% of your grade and your lab grade will be the other 30%. It will only cover the material that he's going to teach in the last 2 weeks, so basically you've wasted a shitload of time by coming to class and showing up on test days when all you had to do was sit through 6 lectures at the end of the semester and take a final.   








