Nick's Homepage
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About this Site

This site is probably the fifth or sixth attempt at creating a personal website since I started high school. It is an attempt to showcase things that are interesting to me and that I like to do. I do get to express my own personal views and feelings on this site. If you find yourself disagreeing with anything, you are entitled to do so, but unless I ask you to tell me, I don't want to hear about yours.

Pieces of this site have been recycled from older ones I've created, and as such some of the sites might not match the style of the rest.

Viewing Requirements

I've designed the website to render rather well in just about any browser. The HTML is very simple. As per everything, though, I reccomend you use the Mozilla Firefox browser. It should show up well in just about any resolution, but probably best in 1024x786 (I don't know because I use a higher resolution). The site also utilizes the font URW Gothic L throughout. This comes with the GIMP on Linux boxes. Since it's not regularly available to Windows users, I have converted it to true type and you can download it here (I don't know if this works on Mac OS or not, let me know). The site is also quite navegable in text-only browsers like Lynx. I follow Sheldon Brown's web philosphy that sites should be simple, "fast loading and pleasing to the eye."

The site was mostly coded by hand. A very small portion was made with nVu and some of the older pages that I've reused were made with Microsoft Front Page.

And, to be clear, this website was designed on a PC running Red Hat Fedora Core 4.