The Howard Beale Center


Click for full sizeChildren die screaming as world's heart turns to stone

GW Bush just got tough and apologised to the People's
Republic of China. Of course, this shouldn't be considered a sign of weakness of the US president, after all, he hasn't had much much opportunity to practice getting tough. His recent opponents including a wax-work dummy, and several of his fellow citizens strapped to a hospital gurney having their lungs collapsed by a machine designed by a psychopathic Holocaust denier.
With world leaders of this calibre, is it any wonder that as children in Borneo, like the little girl pictured here, her head cut of with a machette, died screaming in such horror that could not be imagined, the world's heart turned to stone and a couple of old statues in Afganistahn.

Economic migrants attacked in Donegal, mistaken for asylum seekers
The labour shortage, combined with the high rate of unemployment, is beginning to hit Donegal to the extent that businesses are being forced to employ legal economic migrants from as far away as Russia. One of these Russian workers, Ivan Nibblertitsov, was asked about working here by Mad-as-Hell.Com. He stated that he could make far more money here than he could ever hope to make back home, but went on to say that he and his comrades kept on being spat on in the street as they were continually mistaken for asylum seekers. Officially, Donegal has the highest unemployment rate in Ireland, at around 20%.
Meanwhile, investigations are continuing into allegations that a local businessman has been squeezing out his regular workforce and replacing them with government subsidised foreign workers.

Drunk driving politician, Sean McEniff
He's still here, living proof of the Irish government's commitment to hypocrisy.

Read all about it in our March edition

The Irish minister for bullshit
Joe Walsh, Ireland's agriculture minister has made this statement after the news that foot and mouth is apparently out of control in Northern Ireland.
"This fresh outbreak means that there is a geographic spread of the disease, and not alone is it active on the island of Ireland, but it is actually rampant, so we have to literally redouble our efforts. We have to remain vigilant, to have each farmer to have their farm as a fortress, as a self-contained unit - to make absolutely certain that the disinfection and hygiene facilities are in place, and that along the border with Northern Ireland there is no movement of livestock or animal products in any way. This is a salutary reminder that we have a long way to go to win this battle."
What the minister hasn't said, is that just over the border in Donegal, a number of major entertainment venues that attract hoards of Northerners, have stopped using disinfectant mats at their entrances. According to a member of staff at one venue, 80% of it's clientel were from Northern Ireland over the Easter weekend, many of whom expressed surprise at the lack of disinfecting facilities at the border.
Many farmers in Donegal continue to protect the entrances to their farms with useless bits of old rain soaked carpet, as reported here in previous editions. One small farmer interviewed in a local drinking establishment by us, said, "What's the point of wasting money on disinfectant, when the disease doesn't live on the ground". Others commented, "It's all bollocks/rubbish/nonsense" when asked their opinions about the need to keep disinfecting.
Visiting Donegal Town today, (17/4) we only saw proper disinfectant mats in one shop....hanging on the wall, for sale. The authorites have been notified that this has been the case for several weeks previously.
Update: 2 weeks after we (and doubtless, many others) contacted the authorities, the situation appears to be..........unchanged.

So, sue me!

The CoopsterFianna Fail babe gets fucked
Beverley Cooper-Flynn TD, member of the Irish Parliament, proven in court as having helped clients to evade tax, when the jury in Ireland's longest and most expensive libel case found that the Irish national broadcaster, RTÉ had not proved that she had induced a farmer to evade tax by not availing of the tax amnesty, but decided that she had encouraged a number of other people to evade their taxes while she was working for National Irish Bank, is yet another prominent figure to have resigned from the Irish Public Accounts Committee. In case you came in late, the PAC has been recently investigating what effectively amounted to the policy of successive Irish governments turning a blind eye to tax fraud in the interests of the economy. Official figures are that 10% of the Irish population had non-resident bank accounts which allowed them to evade paying tax.
The Coopster will now have to pay over £2,000,000 in costs for her arrogance.
Cooper-Flynn's father, Padraig, has also yet to explain a 'donation' of £50,000 that he is alleged to have received from British based builder Tom Gilmartin. 'Pee' Flynn was also Ireland's EU Commissioner, in charge of his country's begging bowl which received billions in aid from our Euopean partners who did pay tax, much of it for Ireland's benefit.
In a seperate court case, involving the Flynn family in Febuary, a suspended prison sentence and fines were imposed on the Coopster's sister, when she was convicted of more than 20 motoring offences. Audrey Flynn was also disqualified from driving for 10 years at Castlebar District Court.
Fines totalling £6,800 were imposed on Flynn, who faced 46 different summonses relating to driving a school mini-bus without insurance and without a roadworthiness certificate and for failing to have a public service vehicle licence.
Flynn was also convicted of making a false declaration to obtain insurance and making a false declaration to obtain a public service driving licence.
Judge Mary Devins described her evidence as one of "complete breathtaking arrogance".
It would appear to run in the family.....
Ms. Cooper Flynn is expected to be re-elected, should she stand at the next election.

The 14 year old boy blinded by terrorists
Stephen Menary, yet another child blinded
by a terrorist's bomb. He also lost his hand and much of his hearing. Pictured here on his release from hospital, he said he was not angry with the terrorists who planted the device adding, "In a way, I am glad it was me. If it had been someone younger or much smaller than me, it may have killed them."
Perhaps some in Ireland would do well to think of Stephen before whining on and on about things that happened hundreds of years before they were born.

Irish doctors attack 70 year old pensioners
The group representing Ireland's doctors is opposing the Government's plan to provide free medical care to all people over 70.
Actually it's not as bad as it sounds...........
The Irish Medical Organisation's GP committee has said that the plan will mean that scarce resources will go to retired High Court judges and politicians at the expense of single mothers and low paid workers earning half the minimum wage have to pay to see a doctor and pay for their prescriptions.
Worth noting though, is the fact that such low eligibility levels are not imposed on those who are unemployed and start work under the 'back to work' programme. They can keep their free medical entitlements for 3 to 4 years, even though they still receive a percentage (100%/75%/50% 1st/2nd/3rd years of employment) of their unemployment payments on top of their wages.

The fuck stops here
The Vatican has finally acknowledged a report into the sexual abuse of nuns
by some priests and missionaries. Crimes committed include rape, where in some cases, victims were forced to have abortions. It has also been alleged that some nuns have been forced to take the contraceptive pill. The report was given to the Vatican..........6 years ago.


GW Bush committed to global executions?
US President Bush has said he has no interest in the international agreement to help slow down global warming, the Kyoto Protocol. His administration is now taking legal advice on how to withdraw from the Protocol, against a backdrop of international condemnation. The world would do well to remember that President Bush is not excacty prone to mercy in the case of innocents facing death.......unless of course they haven't been born yet.

Our appologies if that doesn't make sense, but it does kind of put his stance on abortion into it's hypocritical perspective

"O'Keefe did nothing wrong"Irish Minister finally admits some truth about continued smuggling
Joe "O'Keefe did nothing wrong" Walsh, Ireland's agriculture minister has admitted that livestock continues to be smuggled across Ireland, despite constant previous denials. He has requested that they cease the activity.
Perhaps the minister might now make comment on the larger than expected number of animals being culled in the Cooley Peninsula exclusion zone (it's not just happening in South Armagh), and the number of farmers reputed to be smuggling their almost worthless animals into the zone to avail of compensation payments. Although, considering that in his own words, "people are still reticent about giving information" about how the disease keeps getting into Co.Louth, it's unlikely that he'll risk further annoyance of those calling the shots.
Last week, South Armagh farmers refused to allow their animals to be slaughtered unless they receieved full and satisfactory compensation, along with legal immunity from prosecution......for bringing foot and mouth into Ireland in the first place, by smuggling infected sheep. The UK government agreed, and even agreed to further demands, transporting the carcasses all the way to Belfast to be disposed of, rather than being buried or burned localy. An Irish farmer discovered with ilegaly imported livestock has taken the Irish government to court, to prevent their destruction. Contrast this attitude with that in the Britain, where a farmer with illegaly bought stock has had to leave his home on the advice of the police, for his own safety. Such advice would be unlikely to be given to farmers in South Armagh.
Meanwhile, the disease is rapidly spreading through Northern Ireland. Several miles from the original outbreak.

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Mad-As-Hell.Com is under major re-construction. We hope to have the site finished soon. If you have any information that that you think we'd be interested in, please let us know. Please bear in mind that because of the strict Irish libel laws, anything published on this site must be verifiable.

Mad-As-Hell.Com is under major re-construction. We hope to have the site finished soon. If you have any information that that you think we'd be interested in, please let us know. Please bear in mind that because of the strict Irish libel laws, anything published on this site must be verifiable.

IGNORE. JUST TO HELP THE SPIDERS. irish politics,politicians,political,corrupt,corruption, dermot,thomas,gildea,mmds,deflector all total bullshit galore. european,europe,eu,economy,economics, great fun with the celtic tiger fraud,welfare,social,bertie ahern,derossa and more. musings of a pipe smoking man police,celtic,tiger,combined mit mary coughlan garda,gardai,philip sheedy. Ireland. charles haughey.