June, 2003
Ireland's minister for Social Welfare, Mary 'the babe' Coughlan, pictured left, modeling a pair of wellies at a Donegal fashion show, has announced a crack down on welfare fraud. As regular readers know, this is a subject we cover regularly, with many examples of how blatant much of the fraud can be.
Mnister Coughlan has stated that public attitudes will have to change, in regard to fraud. We at Mad-as-Hell.Com are curious to what attitudes now prevail in her constituency office, where in the past, different members of her staff have said, "Oh, you wouldn't do a thing like that, would you?" to constituents who were as mad as hell about the major fraud in the area, and were considering reporting the criminals to the authorities.
As we stated in a previous issue, the evidence as to what's really going on, is on display every 'signing day', right under the minister's nose.
It's time the policy of succesive governments, of turning a blind eye to fraud, in some parts of Ireland, was exposed, along with the reasons and people behind it.

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