Steroid chart

It might be the case that Drug B might be preferable despite the higher required dose: for example, if Drug A leaves the body too quickly or too slowly, or has more toxicity for the same therapeutic effect. steroid chart Steroid-oral-cycle. It means only that in comparing the drugs, to compare them equally, one must compare the effects of 1 unit of Drug A to 100 unit of Drug B. To understand this a little more, unfortunately we have to use a little math. One could skip over the math if desired and just look at the conclusions which follow fairly easily from the numbers calculated. steroid chart Articles on steroid use in sports. Drugs and receptors interact with each other according to a simple equation:(conc. of drug) (conc. receptor)Kd = -------------------------------------(conc. steroid chart Steroid chart. of drug < receptor)where (conc. of drug < receptor) is the concentration or amount per volume of receptors that have drug bound to them, and (conc. of drug) and (conc. of receptor) refer to the concentrations of free drug and receptor respectively. This number Kd is a constant (always the same) for any given drug, but will vary between drugs of different potencies. This fact allows us to calculate the percentage of receptors occupied if we know Kd and the amount of drug. Kd will be expressed in units of concentration, for example, 1 nanogram per liter. More potent drugs have lower Kd values.

Steroid chart

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