The Huntington's Scene In  New Zealand

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Graham Taylor

Graham McLaughlan homoeopath

Homeopathy treats the patient, not just the disease

Graham McLaughlan, homoeopath explains that homoeopathy is a unique health system, whose effectiveness is based on the fact that it treats the whole person and considers each patient as an individual.

Conventional medicine tends to concentrate on disease and give remedies specific to the disease seen. A homoeopath concentrates on the patient and considers the mental and emotional parts of their being as well as the physical symptoms of their complaint. This means that there are no set homoeopathic remedies for a given disease. Six individuals with the same complaint may well get six different remedies, each selected to match the patient's particular needs.

As part of considering all aspects of the case the homoeopath looks for the cause of the problem.

Sometimes of course this will be purely physical, for example a cold wind bringing on an earache.

However, if there is a history of earaches then the homoeopath will look for the weakness or the imbalance in the patient's system, and by treating this will cure not only the ache but prevent it from happening again.

By treating the cause, rather than just the symptom, homoeopathy can offer long term relief.

Homoeopathy is very cost effective. The first consultation may take over an hour and cost more than a conventional doctor. Subsequent visits usually cost less, there are normally fewer of them. (For example a case chronic childhood eczema may only require two visits to resolve), and the remedies are free at the Mana Homoeopathy Clinic in Plimmerton, 04 2


Homeopathy attempts to stimulate the body to recover itself It asserts that that all symptoms, no matter how uncomfortable they are, represent the body's attempt to restore itself to health. Homeopathic medicines are drug products made by homeopathic pharmacies in accordance with the processes described in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (www In brief, the medicine given is similar to the illness, the aim being to stimulate the bony ro resrore ~Iserr ~ n Southern Homeopathic Serviices homepage is at j/

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