The Huntington's Scene In  New Zealand

Site Maintained by
Graham Taylor

About The Associations:    Christchurch :-



Field Worker
Shirley Ward,
HD Association (Christchurch)
Box 13 018
Tel (03) 981 0523

Louise Boyle
(03) 381 2215

Association Secretary: Judith Baker, PO Box 78, Cust, North Canterbury

Ph [03] 3125612


ORGANISATION The Huntington's Disease Association [Christchurch] Inc., is an Incorporated Society servicing the people of Canterbury. The Association liases with the other Associations throughout NZ when necessary and has joint affiliation with the International Huntington Association.

MEMBERSHIP Membership is open to individuals and families associated with HD and supporters of the Association. Annual membership [individual or family ] is $15 but if anyone is unable to pay this they are not precluded from receiving the National Newsletter, local notices and help from the Field Worker.

COMMITTEE We have a Chairperson, Secretart/Treasurer and 13 committee members and our Field Worker who attends all committee meetings.


Meetings are arranged when speakers from overseas are in Christchurch. There are several social meetings throughout the year for members to get to know one another better and have time to talk.

A Ten-Pin Bowling outing held yearly in October.

A Mid-Winter lunch in June or July.

An End-of-Year barbeque in December.

And meetings held for those who have been through the Predictive Test and would like a chance to talk to others in the same situation.

RESOURCES Booklets, information sheets, audio-visual resources are held by the Association.

Our Field Worker is available to family members and visits all Rest Homes/Hospitals where they have HD residents. All our information is available for training staff.

FUNDING The Association is funded through membership fees, donations and fundraising.

FIELD WORKER The Field Worker is employed by the Association for 10 hours per week, and can be contacted on telephone/fax [03]3485442. Funding is by grants from the NZ Lottery Grants Board and the Community Trust. She is part of a lobby group, a network of people representing those with physical disabilities which meets at St John of God Hospital.

SERVICES Services available through the Field Worker: Information, support, advocacy, problem solving, genetic testing referral, education, public relations, assistance to people with HD, caregivers, people at risk, family members, friends, employers or community members.


LIAISON With researchers, health care providers, Burwood Hospital, Predicitive Testing team, HD organisations, disability oranisations, community agencies and government organisations.


If any further information is required please contact either the Field Worker or the Association at the address given above.