Vision of Grace Community Church


To glorify God by becoming a caring church in a hurting community, endeavoring to help those in distress, in debt or discontented reach their full potential in Christ.        (1 Samuel 22:2)


God's purpose and plan has always been a redemptive one.

The church's vision must align itself with the redemptive purpose of God.

Therefore, our concern must be to see the church make progress and reach more and more people with the gospel message.


To build a New Testament pentecostal church in which:



Mission Statement

        Leaders are commited heart and soul to the growth of the church

        Nearly every Christian is using his or her spiritual gifts to edify the  church

        Most members are living out their faith with power and contagious enthusiasm

        Church structures are evaluated on whether they serve the growth of the church or  not

        Worship services are a high point of the week for the majority of the congregation

        The loving and healing power of Christian fellowship can be experienced in small  groups

        Nearly all Christians, according to their gifts, help to fulfill the Great Commission

        The love of Christ permeates almost all church activities.