JULY 27, 2002

We had to call 911 late Saturday night at around 10:30pm because I had a severe vertigo attack.  I was having a rough day, but was determined to get out of the house.  While my mom and I were in the car, it just hit me. Everything started spinning out of control.  We immediately went home and my parents had to practically drag me into the house because I couldn't even open my eyes.  It got progressively worse from there.  I couldn't open my eyes or move my head at all without vomiting.  This went on for about an hour until my mom called Dr. S's answering service.  She spoke to Dr. K, the on call physician, who told me to take an Ativan and two Hydroxyzine pills.  it didn't help so she called back and he said I should go to the emergency room if there was a chance that I was dehydrated.  We knew that by now, I must be.  There was no way I was going to make it off of the couch, much less get into the car so we called 911 so I could be transported by ambulance to Tacoma General Hospital. 

I remember very little about the ambulance ride and the emergency room because I was so "out of it" and was only able to open my eyes a few times.  I do remember that it took them several tries to get an IV site because I was so dehydrated.  Apparently, while I was sleeping it off, it took three hours to admit me because Dr. K wouldn't admit me.  We had to call Dr. P.S., who has only seen me once, and she had to admit me.