
Welcome to this little realm dedicated to science fiction and fantasy. Two worlds where the imagination has no boundarys. Science fiction with it's futuristic search for new worlds to conquer and fantasy with it's medieval mystic and magic. Both fiction in their own way and escapades for everyone who is willing to enter.If you are one of them, then let me guide you through the many worlds out there.
Wonderfull books have been written by some excellent authors. J.R.R Tolkien and his books "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit". Robert Jordan with his series "The Wheel Of Time", containing nine books. If you've never read any of these books, then I urge you to do so. You can't imagine what you're missing. The excitement, the fights, the magic and of course the suspense of what is going to happen with your favourite caracter. There are some great pages that can tell you more about these writers. and the books they have written. There are of course more authors within this genre, such as Terry Brooks, who has written "The Shannara series" and "Landover series", Terry Pratchet with "The Discworld" novels and other books. David Eddings' "The Belgariad", a great story with a teaspoon of prophecy and a gallon of adventure. Just right for an exciting story. To learn more about the authors described go to these links that I found to be the best describing one's. See pages
Fiction must be the most exciting type of literature ever written. It has been the model and inspiration for the modern scientist. When I think of science fiction I think of Jules Verne. In many ways I consider him to be the father of science fiction. Just look at what has been done using his books as a source. If that isn't inspiration, then please someone tell me what is. There are nowadays tons of books, series, movies etc within this genre. One of the most famous and ultimate series is Star Trek, both classic and new one's. Best movie ever made that brings fantasy and sience fiction together is the Star Wars trilogy. Another great classic, I consider, is the movie based on Arthur C. Clarke's book "2010". But enough of this. Books was what I wanted to talk about. One of my favourite writers is Robert A. Heinlein. He's books captivate generations with his novels for the adult reader and books for the teenager in focus. I dearly recommend his work, once you start reading you won't be able to put it aside. More information? I found a great page that can tell you about his work and of Heinlein himself. Other great authors are Isaac Asimov and Douglas Adams within this genre. See pages
Here comes the pages that I found of the authors I mentioned earlier. If you have any comment or want me to look into a book/author let me know. I would really apreciate it if you mailed me or just signed the guestbook found on the index page. J.R.R.Tolkien (great linkware page)
Robert Jordan
David Eddings
Terry Brooks
Terry Pratchett
Robert A. Heinlein
Isaac Asimov
Douglas Adams

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