Sweet & Innocent
Swearing, Cussing, Blasfermy.. it's all the same thing but who should - or shouldn't - say it? No one, right? It never should have been invented, correct? But it was, and let's face it, swearing helps us all the let out alittle bit of stress now and then. I'm not saying it should be abused and used inbetween every second word... but now and then, I believe it's a useful source of ..relaxation.
It's the same with drugs, drinking, sex, violence & smoking.. ignoring it all and hopeing people will choose to stop using and abusing them is a joke. Adults who think punishing their kids will stop them from doing things are simply kidding themselves. It increases the risk, increases the rush.. and makes the term rebellion come into focus.
If we were to follow in our parents footsteps we wouldn't be making the world a better place, we'd be leaving it as is. In the near future the teenagers of 1999 will be the doctors, musicians, actors, piolets and cleaners of the day.. and the adults who taught them how to operate, play, act, fly and clean will be left decaying in expensive nursing homes wondering where their lives went, and how they ended up here - in a stuffy, stenched nursing room bed. It will be then they will realise their mistakes of the past, when it doesn't matter anymore and it will be us, their children, who will be paying the price of their mistakes.
It's a known fact for the younger generation that if a guy gets lots of chicks he's considered a champion by his mates, and a godess by his female peirs, however, if a girl should do the same thing she is considered a slut by the guys - encluding the ones she got with, a scrag by her female peirs not to mention being considered a bad influence by any adult clued in our her activities. Is it fair to say that guys can cause the trouble, and girls are just there to take the blame and recieve the bad name for doing so?
In highschool we all know the type of groups there are, there's the nerds - the nigels who chum together to form a group, the sluts or popular girls, the druggies - generally guys , and the scrags - whom generally hang around with the druggies as well as the shy ever so innocent girls, the try-hard guys, and last but not least - the churchies. It would be presumed by a parent of a sweet innocent girl that their daughter is gods gift to the world. On the outside - maybe - but behind her parents back, little miss Sweet and Innocent more than likely smokes, drinks, attends the partys and sleeps with the guys at those partys.. But her parents will never know. Why? Simply because little miss Innocent and Sweet has trained her parents into believing that the type of person she acts as is her real personality. Then there is the sluts parents. Generally a slut is someone who sleeps around yet little miss Slut has never had sex and actually believes she'd like to wait for awhile as there aren't many potential guys around these days. She hosts the parties, she drinks at the parties and she cops the blame when the police turn up and all the little miss Sweet and Innocents run home to their Mums. Her parents know what she does, her parents are ashamed of their daughter.. but the key differance between little miss Slut and little miss Sweet and Innocent, is that the slut isn't afraid of who she is - Sweet and Innocent is.
Is it fair to say, as in the past, that a guy swearing is acceptable.. yet if a girl swears, she should be punished? In a world where it has been proven women are as capable as men at making their own descisions, is it fair that they are punished for being themself? Both girls and boys are brought up together, tought to share everything, to accept their differances but not judge them.. yet our parents still let it slip when guys swear, but when a girl does it - she may as well send herself directly to the nearest corner and sulk because she knows what will become of it. Weather parents like it or not, it's time to face the facts that girls and guys should be treated equally in every single respect, not because of their sex, but because we're all human...

- fellas, fellas, I realise how lame that load of blabber above sounds but it got me an A in english, and hopefully once my Mother reads it she'll stop nagging!

*.Main.* StorY!* AdoptioN* gRoOvY-Tv!!* GrOoVy GoObErS* ShAmRoCk!* S.O.S!* BuDdY* Thê IntërÑêt* A Poem.* About Me.* Cliques'* Cyber-Pets!* ThanX!* Webrings.* ScrapBook* Friends* j.o.u.r.n.a.l* Aidan* That Thing You Do* Weasel&Gwen* Bombettes* G'Gwen Award* Dancing* ..habitat..* Sophie* Sweet & Innocent* I Wuv Ma' Job* Quotes.* G-o-o-f-y* Ozzie*

© Gwennie. 1999

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