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               Proposed Glacial Control Through Carbon Cycling  


                               Quaternary - Recent (complex multi-story ecosystems)
                                             < 1.6 x 106 years
          |                         C3 Photosynthesis Predominates
Increased sensitivity to                        (broad leaf, migrates to high latitude [<50 deg.]         
   orbital forcing                               and high rainfall in 20-25oC band)
  |---->  Increased -->  Global  ---------->  Glacial retreat              |Biodiversity bands|         <----|
  |       CO2            warming                            |              |re-activated      |              |
  |       CH4                                           Continued gas-hydrate                    Atmospheric CO2   
  |             .                                       release (warmth,                       readily modified  |              .                                      perma-frost 
flooding)                    by biosphere 
Fossil carbon     .                                         |           |        CH4 increases          |    |
oxidation     <-------|                             Warm & wet          |     Atmospheric CO2           |    |  
  |    .              |                                     |           |> 300 ppmv [present = 380 ppmv]|    |
  |     .  Reduced forest biomass,            "High" CO2 accommodated ecosystems develop,                    |
Gas-     . surface coal peat & forest fires   Increased biomass, peat & gas-hydrate accumulation             |
hydrates  .           |                                     |                                                |
release    .   Cool & dry, low CO2 systems          Photosynthetic                                           |
  |         .         |    re-emerge after           draw-down of CO2                                 Short period
  |          .        |    ecosystem re-definition          |                                 40,000 - 100,000 yrs
  |           .       |                                     |                                                |
  |            .    Glacial   <-------  Reduced  <----------|                                            effective
  |             .   advance             Atmospheric         | Carbon                                  photosynthetic
  |        Glacial      . |             CO2                 | sequestering                               draw-down
  |        excavation  .  |                                 |                         |maximum sea-level|    |
  |        fossil carbon  |          increased           increased                    |  change 120 m   |    |
  |                    Sea-          nutrient input      oceanic                                             |
  |<------------------ level ----->  from exposed  ----> productivity                                  <-----|        
                       lowers        land
Atmospheric CO2 170 ppmv (50% of present level)
          C4 Photosynthesis Predominates  
            (many grasses can operate under low CO2 regimes 
            but may also have higher optimal temperatures for 
            growth and lower water demand - tropical grasslands)


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