
December 13th, 2004

11:27 am So its been forever since I've really updated this. Sorry about that. School just gets in the way at times! So Fall Quarter...it was great, even though I didn't get on the Dean's List, but we aren't going to talk about that because when I get back I am protesting my physics grade so that could change. I'm working at Hallmark still...YUCK! I hate it so much, not that I dont like the people that work there cause I love them...its just that this job is doing nothing to prepare me for the future. But I guess if I do end up owning my own business or something like that then it will come in handy. I just don't see the point right now. I wish I woulda lived with Ashley sooner, lol. True, we prolly watched a lil too much Home Improvement and Full House but it seriosuly was the best quarter, living situation wise. Yah we had our disagreements and everything but you'll have that with everyone. The Bucks are going to San Antonio for the Alamo Bowl. They are playing Oklahoma State...yes OSU vs. OSU...but we know that TOSU will win!! GO BUCKS!!!

November 21st, 2004

16:38 OSU 37...TSUN 21

November 8th, 2004

23:21 Wow. Life ROX! HAHA! Seriously even tho I have two midterms this week and another one next Monday. This week has started out great! It might have something to do with the fact that I'm going home on Wednesday and I get to hang out with Shannon. I can't wait!! I've realized how much I take everyone for granted, and I'm really sorry for that. I should know better but I get caught up in life and in going after what I want in life and just forget about other people. I know some of you are saying that I don't and I would do anything for you, whenever...but when was the last time I just called someone to say hey, I've just been talking to people when I have a problem or something, not talking to them just because. I need to get better at that because I really miss people!!

November 5th, 2004

08:21 am So Decision 2004 is over, and GWB won! I'mreally glad that he did because I'm not sure what John Kerry would have done with the nation. Things here are still pretty good. I wanna thank Katie, Ashley and Melissa for being there for me this week. I appreciate it alot guys! The quarter is almost over, its week 6, so I have more midterms coming up. I'm just so excited about that! NOT! I'm going home on Wednesday after class since we dont have classes on Thursday, cause I need a break from the city and need to bring some stuff back from home. I hope my bills and stuff are there so I can get those taken care of and don't have to have Mom send them to me. I can't wait to go back to work at Thanksgiving and over Christmas break! Not that I need the money, well I do need it, but I miss working with everyone. When I come back from break I think I am going to start looking into a job down here for the summer, one that pays more and has something to do with my major.

October 26th, 2004

22:48 So I'm ready for Saturday already....yah I'm stressed, but I just worked out with Ash so that helped. I dont know whats up with me this quarter, I just can't get it together. I'm sure it'll get better once I know if I have a second interview with John Deere or not, I'm not worried about it, but its just on my mind alot. If I get one or get the internship, it was meant to be and if not that doesnt mean that I can't work for them after I graduate, I'll just show them then what a great intern I woulda been! Yah the animal in me's getting ready to come out cause its gonna be a fight to get on the Dean's List this quarter, but if I do my best and still come up short then I'll be satisfied with doing my best. Its gonna click anyday now, I'm just waitin!! Oh btw, the friends page has been updated so check it out and let me know if you wanna be on there!

October 24th, 2004

01:00 I haven't heard anything on the John Deere thing yet and they said it would be around 2 weeks, so Wednesday is D-day. Things a pretty good. The Bucks won finally today so that is always a good thing. Aunt Vickie, Aunt Karen, Janet and Gary all came down for the game. Ok, don't laugh too hard but me and Ash are really dumb. We have these Ohio State tattoo things Mom got us and last time we put them on we scrubbed our faces raw trying to get them off, me more than Ash cause I left it on overnight, but anyways, tonight Ash tried taking it off with rubbing alcohol. Yah, it came right off....so when I was in the bathroom taking mine off I looked at the package and it says right in the directions........TAKE OFF WITH RUBBING ALCOHOL! We go to OSU not Northwestern! Life in the apt. couldn't be better, Tremaine is here for a lil while so we've been eating good. Lol. Even tho he kicked my butt in Goldeneye, he's still awesome! This week should be good. Monday I am meeting with my advisor again to get things set for next quarter. Mom is going to be down for a mtg. so that means dinner and paid grocery shopping, always a plus. Wednesday and Thursday there is rush stuff going on for Phi Sigma Pi, still not sure what I'm going to do about that but I'm waiting on God to show me what he wants me to do. Saturday is home game #3 against PSU. Mom, Dad and Allie are coming down so it should be fun. And this girl I know, Cassy is her name I think, lol, is turning 21 that day so yah BIG PARTY after a BIG BUCKEYE W! Tonight I was laying in my bed thinking, like I have been doing alot lately, thinking about how hard it is going to be to go home at Christmas. Freshman year I hated being away from the noise of the dorms and not getting to see Ash alot, Last year we were both busy with work and obviously it was hard because she was going to be out of the country for 3 months but this year it will be alot tougher. Seeing each other everyday, eating together all the time and my favorite, saying goodnight everynight. I dont know why I appreciate and like that so much. Maybe because it makes me feel at home, I dunno. But honestly I can't wait to get back to work and see my girls again! Even though I hope to get an internship this summer, part of me wants to go back and work at Hallmark again. We'll have to see what happens. Well I better go, I gotta call Willis back cause he called me awhile ago and I didnt feel like talking.

October 13th, 2004

09:39 pm So I got an interview with for the John Deere Internship. I am really excited and really nervous. I didnt think that I would get an interview, seriously, I am sure there are lots more qualified people. I'm not getting my hopes up because they don't take alot of people so I feel really honored to even be concidered. But I do have to say that I am pretty good at interviewing, 4-H project judging has helped me out once again and I get to talk about my favorite thing in the world...ME!! HAHAHA! I just hope that I can go in there and impress them, some how stand out from the crowd. I'm glad that Ash in my roomie cause I would be at a loss for what to wear right now but we've got it all figured out. I wish I could tell some other people and that they would be happy for me but no one else is around, oh well...they wouldnt think it was a big deal anyways I'm sure.

October 10th, 2004

09:35 am Well The Bucks lost yesterday. It wasnt a good game at all. Thre were some bright spots, like me calling Ted Ginn's Punt return in the first quarter, and Nuge's 56 yd. field goal...but overall it was another crappy performance. I think the coaches could have pushed them a lil too hard this week in practice but after losing to NW they deserved all the laps, sprints and other stuff they got this week. Jes's 21st b-day was on Friday so Ash and I went to Four Kegs with them to celebrate. Then while we were waitin on the bus we went to Catfish Biffs and got a pizza...it was all gone but 4 pieces by the time the bus got there! The game wasn't til 3:30 and I am glad for that, I was one tired kid after this week! Last night after the game we came home, ate, and sat around for a lil. Then we went to Kroger and got some food for the week, because we are way too cool for that whole Saturday night partying thing, lol. Well at least til Cassy's b-day party after the Penn State game cause I know I'll be in biiiiiiiiiiig trouble if I dont hit that up! We came back, watched Waterboy and went to bed. This week is gonna be another long one, I have an ASM quiz tomorrow and my first exam in HDFS on Wednesday. WOO HOO! Well I must get studyin. :-(

October 2nd, 2004

09:41 am What a week! It started out looking like it was going to be a great one but on Tuesday night Carrollton's speech coach killed himself. Matt Plott told me on Wednesday morning and I was in a state of shock. Everyone one seemed to be the same way when I talked to them. I didnt really know Mr. Casper as well as most people because I didnt go to school there but I knew him from being around the fair and stuff. He never had anything but a smile on his face, no matter what day of fair week it was or how bad the heat was, he always had a smile on his face. What makes me even sadder is to see the people that knew him better than I did hurting. I'm glad that I knew him as much as I did because he had a great attitude about everything and was truely a special person. I agree with the other Katie, this year just needs to end so 2005 can be alot better than this year! Classes are going good tho, I'm starting to figure out my Ag construction class and that was the one I was really really worried about. Things with the apartment are ok, Ash and I hung out alot this week, on Tuesday she went to the groceery store and got lost but she found a Chipotle closer to our apt. than the one on campus so we went there for dinner and there's a Dairy Queen really close to it so we stopped there too, lol. Then of course we had to go work all that food off so we went down and worked out for bout an hour. I like working out with someone alot more than I like working out by myself, it not only gives you more accountability but it also makes it more fun!

September 27th, 2004

18:17 Top Ten signs you're a Buckeye...
10. You know what Catfish Biff's sells

9. You have at least 3 #2 COTA stories

8. You worry drinking before noon is alcoholic in Spring, but drinking at 7 am in fall is almost late.

7. You know where you were, who you were with and what you were feeling Jan 3, 2003.

6. Your car's been towed 10 times.

5. You have team names and uniforms for cornhole and flip cup.

4. You know the bum's names on High St.

3. You get to games 20 min early and get shivers when the band comes down the ramp.

2. You know what 25-degree water feels like in Nov.

Thanks to Ash for being an away message stealer and sending me those!

September 21st, 2004

07:44 am So the new apartment is wonderful! Its a lil bigger than last year and I have my own bathroom so that makes it feel bigger too and I've got a great roomie, which makes everything better, even if the apartment sucked. Yesterday I slept soooooooooo much...I dont even know why! I fell asleep at like 8:30, Brandon called me at like 9 so I talked to him for a lil, then went right back to sleep, woke up at 6 to turn my alarm off, back to sleep til about 10:30, got up, ate, came back to my room, layed down and watched some TV and talked to Ash, stayed awake til like the last 5 min of Days of Our Lives and then woke up at like 3. After I FINALLY woke up Ash and I went and got books, well not all of them cause we could only find a few of them. After we got back here we ordered Jimmie Johns cause thats tradition you know...and then guess what I did...I watched Full House and a lil of Monday Night Football and fell asleep at like 10 again! I got up this morning at 6 and ran so I dont think I'll be sleeping all day today. Tomorrow classes start and I am soooooooooo excited......ok thats enough rambling for now...ttyl.

September 11th, 2004

10:38 pm 2-0...but barely. Whew...yah Tressel ball is what we play, and its gonna make my hair go gray. In ONE week I'll be back in C-BUS!!! I can't wait!! Its gonna be so great not only to be back there but also to be livin with Ash again. I am so excited!

August 27th, 2004

8:55 pm I'm such a loser. I'm at home on a Friday night, yah I'm a dork. I've had the past two days off and I've accomplished nothing but to get more and more frustrated about still being at home. I still haven't got that letter about the apartment so I'm getting pissed off about that too. Last night I did finally make a decision about me and Josh. I wrote him an e-mail and told him that there wasnt a chance in this world that we're getting back together. I felt really secure and happy about my decision last night but now I'm not so sure. I haven't gotten much support in this whole thing from anyone but I guess I shouldnt be upset. At least Melissa told me that she was proud of me for not going back out with him! I've always been the type of person who needs approval from everyone and I need to be told that people care about me. I need to change that. On Monday I'm going back to 2425 for the last time...to pack all of my stuff up and put it somewhere down there, oh joy...a whole day of my dad telling me what to do and how to do it. I really hope that when I have kids I don't treat them like that. And if I have ever treated you like that in anyway...I am truely sorry!

August 25th, 2004

11:39 pm Well I had to update this cause something totally HILAROUS happend at work. This lady comes in and asks Jessica where the anniversary cards are, the funny ones, so she starts to walk over to where the Shoebox cards are and this lad y starts going into this thing about not wanting a pornographic card....I had to walk to the backroom really quickly because I was gonna die laughing. I'm sure you could hear me laughing out in the store when I was back there too. Thank God that when she was finished finding a NON pornographic Hallmark card, Jes rang her out and I was doing something else cause I woulda lost it again. Ashley got the thing about moving in today too so mine will prolly come tomorrow or sometime really soon. I think I woke her up when I called her cause she left me an away message telling me she got the thingy. Sorry hun!!

10:40 am Well nothing much is new here, Sunday wasn't that great of a day but Willis called me and made my night, Monday I had to work and things got a little better cause I got to talk to Willis some more, and then I got to talk to Ashley too. Yesterday was ok, I had to take Ali to band and I was trying to eat my lunch before work right when she wanted to leave, so I had to eat cold mac and chesse when I got back. Work was fun even though there is still nothing to do, well compared to Christmas there's nothing to do. After work I went to Wal-Mart again and got Tim McGraw's new CD and another DVD. I think I'm gonna need that new bookshelf I bought cause I keep buying DVD's and stuff. I have to work today from 4-8, have Thursday and Friday off, work Saturday and Sunday. On Monday I'm going to Columbus to pack up my stuff in the old apartment and put it in a storage closet til September 19th!! I'm getting a little more excited now about the whole thing but since neither Ashley or I have talked to the other girl that is living there I'm still a little aprehensive about it. I can't believe that August is almost over and football season is about to start...that makes me so unbelievably happy! Well I gotta go eat something....HAVE A GREAT DAY!

August 21st, 2004

5:45 pm Yesterday was awesome! Even though it rained and the other judges took a long time to do their species. I had alor of fun hanging out with some of the OSU ag people that were also there and seeing Robyn and Kelly again too. I was really nervous when I was judging and I didnt take very long when I was doing it but rabbits aren't very hard to judge when you are doin showmanship. The kids were very prepared but there were distinctions between the top 3 and the rest of the group. Today I opened and let me just tell you I understand why Breanne wants to quit. Claudia worked last night and left a huge list of shit for us to do today. She's not even the manager there, she has no right to do that. All I did today was clean the backroom up...yep it took me 7 hours to do that! Oh well. I'm working alot again next week because Jes and Tricia are going back to school and I'm the only one who can work anytime other than Ruth, Kathy and Breanne. I'm glad that I'm getting lots of hours, I'm gonna like the dinero. I think I'm gonna go clean my room and watch my 3 dvd's I bought last night on the way home from Norwalk. Peace.

August 19th, 2004

8:38 am So in 30 days I move into my new apartment. I'm excited, don't get me wrong, I am...just don't be surprised if I take your head off if you talk to me in the next few days. Everyone else is going back to school which makes me really depressed cause this summer has been really shitty. Going to the Reds game was like the best part of my summer. I don't know why I keep writing on here cause no one reads it, or at least they never sign my guest book or talk to me about what I write in here, well I take that back, Willis did, like in July when I was bitching about life. At least he cares. Today was another crappy day at work, this lady ordered wedding invitations and Jessica and I did them just like she wanted us to but they still weren't good enough for her, she needs her own B list to be on because she is a big enough one to have her own.
So tonight Josh and I were talking, like we have been all summer, about getting back together. I want to do this but all I keep thinking is about the quote Coach Dennis told us....'If someone hurts you, shame on them but if they hurt you again shame on you.' I think Ashley is right, I'm doing this because he is there and he is the only one who wants to be with me right now, but I have something else to say about that, but I'm not going to do that on here.

August 16th, 2004

11:34 am This past weekend was GREAT! Even tho the Reds got their butts kicked and some how beer got spilled all over our purses,and no we weren't drinking any of it, Ash and I had a great time. Saturday was fun too, we got our nails done and then we went shopping in Dayton with her mom and g-ma. Yes, I got my nails done, lol...breathe in breathe out...Then we went back to her house and made candle holder thingys for in her bathroom at the apartment. They look really cool! We watched some of the Olympics and the Reds game before we went to bed too. Yesterday we slept in, ate brunch and played a game (I WON!), watched the Olympic softball game and some of the Reds game before I left to come home. The drive home wasn't as bad as I thought it was but by the time I got to Cambridge...I was dead! I was really upset when I got home tho, I left on Thursday after work so I hadn't seen the fam in like 4 days....yah they weren't even home when I got here...it was about 3 hours later when they finally decided to come home and then they all went to bed so I'm feeling rather unloved right now. :-(

August 9th, 2004

10:34 pm Today was a good day, it was my day off so of course it would be good! I work tomorrow morning, Wednesday night (only for 3 hours...yah its not even worth the gas money that I'm going to be spending.), and then Thursday morning/afternoon til 3. After that I'm driving straight to Columbus, spending the night in my apt., running some errands and then going to DA MIDDIE!!! I can't wait! I've never been to Cincinnati so this is really gonna be great, and hopefully they win and Sean Casey does good cause he's GREAT! Nothing much going on here, other than getting things squared away for the new apt., working and brushing up on my showmanship skills because next weekend I am going to Huron County to judge their Super Showman contest. I really don't know what I'm supposed to do though, lol. It should be fun though. I really missed having animals and stuff to do at the fair this year. Jon and I were talking about it and we both agree that it sucks. At least he's around and can be a club advisor. I would really think about doing that but I am not home alot during the year so what would be the point? Well I'm going to go finish watching the Hall of Fame game and watch Jay before I go to bed....Monday's are my favorite cause of Headlines!!

August 2nd, 2004

6:34 pm So my last few entries have been pretty short. Sorry about that, its just that nothing much is going on except work. Today I was off so mom,ally and I went shopping and out for lunch. We got school stuff so I am getting excited to go back. I know I still have 2 months but I am really looking forward to this year. Last night Ashley told me that she might transfer to a different school. I don't know how I feel about that. I know that she needs to be happy and I know that she's not really happy at OSU. I am going to support her no matter what because I know she would do the same thing for me and even if she wouldnt do that for me, I'm going to do that for her. Next weekend I'm going to Middletown for the Reds game and for a lil vacation so that'll be fun. I am sure that we'll get to talk more then about everything then too. We still don't know who our other roomie is for sure but I really don't care...I got the person who I never thought that I would live with at OSU as a roomie and its going to be really great. There were too many things that had to go right for us to live together and we trusted God to make that happen and he did. He didn't give us exactly what we wanted which was an apartment for just us but I know he gave us this other person for a reason. I'm really grateful that I have this opportunity and I'm not going to take anything for granted because I dont know how much longer things will be like they are right now....pretty close to perfect...and I am thankful for that....

July 26th, 2004

12:14 pm Nothing really going on here other than trying to figure out what happens to people when they go home. I can't read minds but I wish I could because that would have saved alot of shit this summer. Yesterday we were sitting around and my aunt was like 'Well maybe you and Ashley won't even talk after you live together'. Yeah that really made my day...but then again so did getting yelled at on saturday morning. Last week was the fair, it was fun but I had to work alot and wasn't there for some of the stuff that I love at the fair. Oh well. I still got to hang out with my Bryan girls, Shannon, Bethany and the Other Katie so that was fun. I really wish my mom would stop trying to fix me up with Wes. He's my friend and that's all, I really dont think I need to be in a relationship right now and really don't want to be but obviously everyone else thinks that I should be and they know exactly who I should be with.

July 19th, 2004

11:14 pm This weekend was pretty fun. Went to Camp Wanake with Dave on Sunday and volunteered during checkin. We were parking cars and got soaked. Oh well it was fun to be back there. I wish they paid more cause I would love to have worked there during the summers. After we finished up there we went to the rodeo and that was fun too. We just chilled and talked which was great, just talking and relaxing. This week at work should be fun, we are finally getting the cards we've been waiting on since forever, so we'll have something to do rather than standing around doing nothing. Only 24 more days til I get to go to Middletown again and finally get to go to da Nati...lol..I can't WAIT!









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