"Screw You...." "Ok, I'm in Gum" Melissa and Kelley on the way down the hill at 4-H camp when we are SUPPOSED to be quiet!

"It's like a country rap song cause that one part is so fast" The One and Only Ashley Jones

"Whoa, that dude weighs 320 lbs..." " I hope he has alot of meal plans" Ashley and I at the Spring Game

"Clouds are only temporary....the sun shines forever" Tremaine

"This is Camp Piedmont, not Camp Tippacanoe" Lisa

"Watch out guys, this could be a catastrophe" Ashley

"Slow down there killer" "This night is the whole reason I love this school" "O-H Buddy" Mirror Lake Night 2003

"Cramps are all because of SIN! " Bethany in reference to a charlie horse in her foot

"I love how I just named this file 'bullshit'" Melissa

"The wind is blowing from west campus and it smells like doo doo" Ashley

"I wanna be a football player and a doctor....I'm gonna play middle linebacker and I'm gonna have a nickname....Dr. Krusher..." Olivia on the Cosby Show

"You should always believe in yourself and know that so many other people believe in you too" Me

"My wedding dress is going to have a zipper rather than buttons because its faster and easier access" Kristy

"What the fuck are you doing dipshit!" My former lil camper Sarah

"...and then there's that person who is ratteling around in their popcorn box that needs to be shot..." English 110 Prof...who could have his own quoteable page!

"There is no ASS property...do not try to use it or you will look like an ASS!" Math 148 Prof....Winter Quarter...no wonder I failed that class!

"G of eggs" Dr. Abagazi.....Math 104

"That stick that is in her ass is so far up there I think she picks her nose with it" Me about that girl in all my classes that I hate while I was on the phone with Lisa

"WAAAAAARM" This guy in my bio class about the heat in the room

"Ithink every girl is given a instruction book on how to piss guys off when they are born" Matt

"The road to happiness lies in two simple principles: find what interests you and that you can do well, and put your whole soul into it - every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have." -- John D. Rockefeller III

"Why should we build our own happiness on the opinions of others, when we can find it in our own hearts?" - Rousseau

"Fate decides who walks into your life. You decide who you let stay, who you let walk away, and who you refuse to let walk out."

"You have to motivate yourself through pride. You must push yourself mentally and physically. A lot of people say John Havlicek never gets tired. Well, I get tired, it's just a matter of pushing myself. I say to myself 'He's as tired as I am, who is going to win the mental battle?"' -- John Havlicek

"When you've done the best you can, you can't do any better." — President Harry S. Truman

"don't drink and drive you might spill your drink"

"I'm Tonya Harding.....I'll beat the sh*t out of you!!!!" ~Timmy

Kye: you guys were just so cool last year! Me: hahaha we were interesting bunch to live with i am sure Kye: yes...but so much fun..

"I wish I could recall every detail from that day. Even now, sometimes I would sit and try to remember the colors, the sounds, the faces. But it only comes back to me in bits and pieces. If only I had known, I would have paid closer attention. You're never prepared for the moments that change your life. " "Simon Birch"

"We are no longer the knights who say "neep." We are now the knights who say "ickiickiickiickipatangaipboing." -- Monty Python And The Search For The Holy Grail

'I just wanna say that this has been an experience that I will keep close to my heart and I will wrap myself in these memories when this world gets cold and I forget that there are people out there that love me. Your friendship is something I never expected at this point in my life and I love you. You're all angels, all of you...You'll always be my sisters, always.' Golden Girls

"Life is what you make of it not what you made of it" Tremaine

"It's like homecoming, oh wait a minute, it IS homecoming" Ash at the game