Enrique Fans In Uproar As Britney Plagiarizes His Music
Fans at Enrique's official forum are in an uproar about the "new song" that Britney has been singing at her concerts and claiming that she wrote. The song entitled 'My Love Was Always There is almost a carbon copy of Enrique's song 'Maybe' from his album 'Escape'. Although the lyrics are slightly different, there's no denying the similarities in the melodies of the song, as they seem to be the exact same song. Even if Britney is using the song with Enrique and his co-writer's permission, she shouldn't be claiming to be the sole writer of the song at her concerts.

Britney To Take Time Off As Babysitter For Little Sister
Lynne Spears posted a new update today following the completion of Britney Spears' Dream Within A Dream tour. Lynne writes, "It's definitely time for a hiatus. Brit already has her 'down time' plans in motion. She has a new Manhattan apartment to decorate and she's in the process of writing her new music. There are also several more scripts she's reading. Brit still hasn't visited the Florida condominium. I've also asked for her help with caring for Jamie Lynn in my absence while I am caring for Britney's Aunt Sandra." Britney's aunt is suffering from ovarian cancer.

Fan Experience With Britney Concert
I live in south buffalo, new york, well about the britney concert, okay the opening acts - 3rd faze & LMNT were GO0D !!!! and i was all pumped and everything being a britney fan and that being my first concert, but then she came out and my excitement just deflated. she didn't sing, she wasn't dancing like she used to, and she didn't talk to the audience at all. i don't even think she said "buffalo" the whole night. i was disappointed. my first britney experience, and that's all it was. i regret paying that much for my ticket. and i don't think i will be paying that much, let alone anything for a britney concert ticket, unless she somehow changes and actually starts to sing. um, the age group probably ranged from 10/11 year olds up to maybe 50 year olds. i was surprised to see how many younger kids were there with their parents. i saw plenty of guys there though. i doubt any were interested in her music. the next day, a mother called a raido station here, and was saying how she was very disappointed, and how she couldn't believe people actually like her and pay to see her. and then she was like yeah i got my tickets for free so i guess that's a plus, i would've been pretty pissed if i had to pay to see that. i dunno, after that show, i wouldn't be surprised if she lost a lot of fans and respect. well that's enough of my blabbing.

Sarah Michelle Gellar Nixes Britney On Buffy
The Sun reports Britney Spears was close to getting a role on Buffy The Vampire Slayer, but the show's star Sarah Michelle Gellar put the kabosh on the plan. "She was floating a lot of ideas," Gellar said. "Our producers were saying she was gonna do it and I was saying, 'I don’t think so'.

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Dear Britney,
I heard from some magazine that when you were in the MMC you used to ask someone about sex and positions and stuff.. Britney why oh why would you think like that at such a young age?

Oh Lordy! *giggles* Kids, ya know like to talk about stuff like that but we totally didn't DO anything, ya know, so there's no harm in asking! But, like, people around me totally would ask them such nasty questions but, ya know, I asked innocent stuff like, "what does it feel like to be kissed?" and they would, ya know, pick on me cause I just wanted to know like what love felt like and, ya know, those simple innocent questions girls wonder, ya know?

Dear Britney,
Hey brit! Like I'm totally like a huge like fan! and junk umm I was wondering like when I get older I wanna be a slut.. I mean a singer like you heehee um like do you have any tips for me?

aww thanks, I just totally love my fans, ya know? Oh and you like, spelled "singer" wrong the first time you wrote it, ya know, just in case you didn't see it or whatever. But anyway, if you want to be like me - a singer - you totally just have to perform wherever you can and get your name and voice known, ya know? Lordy, when I started I totally only sang for some friends and family at the park or whatever and tried to, ya know, get people familiar with me so that's what I recommend doing too! Thanks again hun!

Dear Britney,
Hey brit! Like I'm totally like a huge like fan! and junk umm I was wondering like when I get older I wanna be a slut.. I mean a singer like you hee hee um like do you have any tips for me?

aww thanks, I just totally love my fans, ya know? Oh and you like, spelled "singer" wrong the first time you wrote it, ya know, just in case you didn't see it or whatever. But anyway, if you want to be like me - a singer - you totally just have to perform wherever you can and get your name and voice known, ya know? Lordy, when I started I totally only sang for some friends and family at the park or whatever and tried to, ya know, get people familiar with me so that's what I recommend doing too! Thanks again hun!

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Conan O'Brien joked during his Late Night monologue on Tuesday, "At her concert the other night, Cher referred to Britney Spears as a bitch. Yeah, in response during one of her concerts, Britney lip-synched the same thing about Cher. It's getting nasty."

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Britney's New Pepsi Ads & Articles


Jamie Lynn Talks on ET About "All That"

she's already got the fake blonde hair & the cheesy clothes - is it me, or is Lynn Spears REALLY eager to make her female children grow up too fast and be famous, rich little brats?

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"As far as the children and stuff- it's such a beautiful thing that they look up to me and I think that is so beautiful. But at the same time, their parents should explain to them when I'm on stage or when I'm doing a video, it's like a mini-movie. It isn't real."

*UGH* I'm so sorry Brit but since YOU are the one doing it, YOU should be the one to tell them that. No matter what their parents say, they will believe what they see!! Ugh, she annoys me!!! I wish she would just shut up about what she thinks other people should do because of how SHE behaves!!

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"I happen to think young girls are a little smarter about entertainment than adults give them credit for. I would also like to point out that the reason Britney became a big star right from the get-go was that she had significant crossover appeal among age and sexes. Certainly her virgin school-girl image was as sexually provocative as anything she has done since." - another naive fan

I am so sick of hearing people talk about Britney's crossover appeal! The only reason that she crosses over the ages & sexes is that the only people that like her are impressionable little girls that don't know any better, and dirty old men that just wanna... well you get the idea. One second she is flaunting her body, and saying that she doesn't want to be a roll model, and that she wants to express her sexuality, and then she turns around and talks about how she loves her young fans, and she thinks that it's "beautiful" that they look up to her. Crossover my ass! That's called two-faced, and she needs to get a grip before somebody calls her dumb ass on it.

My little sister adores Britney. She doesn't think what Brit does is bad, because she's so young! All these young girls see Brit and want to imitate her: my sister rolls up her shirts, dances on chairs, grabs herself, dances provocatively... She's not 'smart' about the entertainment business like this person claims young girls are. In fact, most of Brit's fans are 12 or younger. Those ages are when they are impressionable! And Brit, who doesn't care about these younger fans at all, goes out and strips, touches herself, has her dancers touch her, and has sex in her movie! It's irresponsible on her part to be doing that. Sex sells, but she should be aware that young girls love her.

Bullshit, I have three younger (girl) cousins. Sisters, ages… well, last time I saw them, eight, five, and two months. Now... twelve, nine, and three. My point: at the ages I last saw them, the five year old saw a movie where someone flipped off another person. The next day, she turned and did it to my grandmother... who, well, almost cut off her finger, but that's not the point. At the ages they are now, the twelve year old is a HUGE fan of Britney and Christina and them, and some pictures of her that she sent are of her wearing almost the exact replica [note: ahem.. they make their own clothes, they can't afford buying them..] of what Britney was wearing at the VMAs with the snake thing goin on there. No these are NOT just my cousins, I see friend's younger sisters wearing this stuff for "Halloween" practically every day too... and it's not because they know each other, because some don't. Thank you so much.

If little girls were a little smarter.. britney would NOT be successful! That's just it!

You know what? Obviously "younger" fans aren't as smart as this fan claims. Granted, there are quite a few who know that Britney is nothing but white trash, so they like her music, but there are exceptions to every rule. Everywhere I look, there are eight year olds running around in bootie short and tank tops/halter tops. None of which were fashionable for younger girls to wear until Britney came around. So that opinion is false and un-researched.

I hope she goes out of business...all she 'cause shakes her ass and looks pretty... don't take too much talent to do that... The real reason I don't like her is because a lot of our boyfriends like her and it makes me feel ugly... She's the reason why girls are anorexic and bulimic... cuz I was bulimic cuz I wasn't skinny like britney and I thought if I looked like her I would get more attention, but fuck her I look just as good as her now anyways and I don't even work out!

Britney is popular is because of the image she exposes. Now it like the business is about sex sells and brit is like there advertisement. She's shows her cleavage more than her so-call- "talent" she doesn't even have talent all she came out with a body to began with.

I agree with this fan's observation. Her star power came from young girls wanting to be her, and old men wanting to date her. It wasn't because of how "talented" she was.

I agree that the reason Brit was popular at the *beginning* was because young girls could relate to her and they loved her music, now she has made and re-created the word, WHITE TRASH! virgin-goodie goodie my ass!

Crossover appeal? WHAT crossover appeal? You can't have crossover appeal unless it's in certain genres of music!!! Jaci Velasquez has significant crossover appeal, not Britney. Her schoolgirl image was definitely NOT as provocative as what she wears now. Stop making excuses for her.

How does she know how children interpret what they see? It's even stupid for that person to talk about without proof.

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