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Name: Angel/Angelus

Played By: David Boreanaz

First Appearance: Season 1, Episode 1 'Welcome To The Hellmouth'

Next Of Kin: None

Address: Unknown

Bio: Angel the OAP of the Scooby Gang, known as 'Dead Boy' to Xander. Angel is over two centuries old and has done some truely evil things in the past. He was sired by Darla, a minion of the Master who shared a deep relationship over the years, a relationship based upon the demons that had possessed them, murder, treachery... until one day Darla bought a lil present home for Angelus' birthday, a gypsy girl, the finest blood of a gypsy virgin but little were they to know that this one kill would anger the Gypsy folk to the extent where they would curse Angelus with a soul, leaving him to see all the faces of those he has killed in the past century. Those faces will haunt him for the rest of his 'unnatrual' life. Those faces will live in his dreams, his every waking moments, the torture will last an eternity UNTIL Angel made love to Buffy on her birthday ('Suprise' and 'Innocence') they proclaimed their love for each other and then did the deed and that one moment of true happiness was all it took for Angel to lose his soul and become Angelus.

Angelus took up a brutal campaign, taunting the Slayer with various acts of Violence but none hit Buffy and the Scooby Gang worse than the murder of Jenny Calander. Angelus knew he was winning, beating the slayer down with an emotinal roller coaster of turmoil and pain, weakening her for the battle to come. When the battle did commence all hell broke loose ('Becoming') metal against metal striking Angelus fighting for his cause, to take pleasure in killing his lover and having the world sucked into hell (a good cause if you're derranged)..... The battle ended with Spike running from the scene with Drusilla leaving Buffy to meet Angelus' wrath but Buffy being the persistant little Slayer just faught back until Angelus fell to his knees a blinding light shon in his eyes as his soul returned but by then it was too late, Angel had opened to mouth to hell and Buffy knew what must be done, Angel had to die... with tears in their eyes they kissed, lovers reunited... and the last voice Angel heard was Buffys 'Close Your Eyes'... Buffy kissed Angel and then ran Angel through with the sword given to her by Kendra.

In Season 3 we see Angel return as Buffy finally manages to let go of his memory and move on ('Faith, Hope and Trick'), he falls from the sky into the mansion where his death occurred. Season 3 monitors the whole Buffy and Angel dynamic both afraid to be close to one and other just incase the nasty happens once again. The Scooby Gang are more than concerned for Angel and Buffy just incase Angel does become Angelus, some are more concerned than others and with Faiths increasing unstableness, she's more than happy enough to help Xander get rid of the imposing threat. But when Faith does go OTT after the accidental murder of the deputy mayor Angel tries to persuade her that their is help for her, she can be 'saved'.

Angel in his wisdom becomes closer to Buffy once again, this concerns him and he decides to tell her that he is leaving Sunnydale for the big city, Buffy doesn't take the news well, she feels as though she's being deserted and all before the Mayors Ascention, Angel promises to stay with her until after the Ascention to help her through the hour of need. The Ascention comes and goes with the Mayor being blown to pieces and Angel left gazing upon Buffy once before turning around and walking off into the distance among the aftermath.

Angel now resides in LA, having met up with Cordelia who is pursueing a career in acting and also a strange Half Demon named Doyle. He runs a company that protects people from things that go bump in the night, taking his duties seriously, although the subject of payment does seem to get him on edge. (To be continued....)

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