Craft Log Page 3              
1/24/05 Thompson Twins cuff. For this cuff, I printed images from the internet and glued them with a glue stick to a piece of paper, then added some stickers. Then I cut out a piece of clear vinyl (for the top) and a piece of black vinyl (for the bottom) and sewed them together. If your sewing machine is cranky, like mine, and doesn't like to sew vinyl, put a piece of tissue paper on top of it to prevent it from sticking to the metal parts of the machine. After its sewed on four sides, the tissue paper will pull right off. Then I added snaps. But make sure you are putting the snaps together the right way. I tried putting the snaps together for about 45 minutes and it wasn't really working, then I realized the snap thingy was facing the wrong way. If its facing the right way, the snaps will go together easily.    
1/24/05 Vintage collage. I made this collage on a canvas. Painted it with my fingers, that was fun. Then I covered the entire thing with bees wax that I melted on the stove then brushed on. (I used a double boiler, and ruined a bowl, so beware.) After I had brushed on the bees wax, I used an iron (ruined that too, but it was totally worth it.) to smooth out the wax. Then I took a black and white photo copy, placed it upside down and used nail polish to transfer the image of the lady. Then I melted some metallic crayons, melted the lacy flowers and some gold beads into the wax. It turned out so cool, and the bees wax smells good.  
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