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Global Warming




All of that CO2 that comes from factories

There are many things that are causing global warming. The thing that global warming is mainly caused by is a certain green house gas called, CO2. This gas comes from the burning of fossil fuels such as oil or coal. Fossil fuel is a type of resource that many people in the world use. The gasses that are burned from fossil fuel pass through the sky and damage our ozone layer.

The overgrowing population of people is another reason on why global warming gets worse each time. For one thing, a lot of the world's population use Fossil Fuel. Another reason would be how everybody exhales CO2.

The country with the largest consuming oil is The United States, using about 20.4 million barrels per day. Also, 6.7 tons of CO2 is emmited from the average vehicle every year. In addition to that, 20 pounds of CO2 are created from each gallon of gasoline that is burned.

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Site created by M. Dougherty, Spring 2008.


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